The Call

“What really is a call from God?” and “How can I know if God is calling me?” Although some may disagree with the term “call”, we cannot deny that the previous questions pass through the minds of many Christians and it’s something we many times missinterpret.  In this brief study, we will see different thoughts to make us more aware of “The Call” and what God wants from us. Continue reading “The Call”

Tips For Traveling On Deputation/Furlough For Missionaries

As we are on our second furlough, I wanted to make a list of ideas to help other missionary families as they travel on deputation or furlough.  At this time we have 5 children ages 10, 8, 7, 2 and a 6 week old baby.  Of course you may not use everything on this list, this is just things that we do to make the trip lighter.

  1. Leave with a clean vehicle. A few days earlier clean out the car. Everyone will feel so much better in a clean car.  Of course it won’t stay that way for long. J You can keep a small bottle of Febreeze in the glove box to keep it smelling clean.
  2. Cut the trip in half. Many hours on the road are hard on the whole family. If you have time to travel, try to break up a 9-10 hour traveling day into 2 days.  Or leave very early in the morning so the kids will continue to sleep if you are a morning person and can stay awake on the road.
  3. Use a GPS! Long gone are the days of figuring out a map.  I’m sure this one is a given, but it is worth the investment and you can even use them in the country that you are going to by installing the maps of your country.
  4. Have lots of patience! We have 5 kids so our vehicle is full.   There is not even one empty seat to stretch out into. J  Remember to keep your cool when things get “rough” and they will!  This is usually an indication that it’s time to get out and stretch.
  5. We have a small emergency bag of clothes and toiletries in the car. If a church is less than 3 hours from home, we will usually drive back home after the meeting.  Once we were stranded in a city because of slick roads and had no clean clothes for the following day.  After that I started keeping an emergency bag in the car.
  6. Make a list of things that you need to take so you don’t forget anything important. I keep a list on my I pad and just go over it, as I’m packing.  Some important things that I try to take are:
    • DVDs for the kids
    • Extra car key (in case you lose or get locked out of your car)
    • Wet wipes (great for sticky hands for the little ones), Antibacterial gel,
    • Thank you notes (to leave at prophets chamber, in homes you stay in or if someone gives you a gift)
    • Small recipient of Dish soap for washing out no-spill cups and bottles in hotel rooms
  7. Plan your trip ahead so you can call and find a Prophet’s Chamber instead of spending tons of money on hotels along the way. There is a list here:

Continue reading “Tips For Traveling On Deputation/Furlough For Missionaries”

Why People do not Agree with Their Leader

Some years ago, a friend and I made a trip on the mission field where some church members wanted to divide because of negative things they saw in their pastor.  Praise the Lord that after my pastor’s counsel the situation was better and the pastor and people decided to fix things and go on for our Lord.  I would like to share a few key things the church people saw that were negative in the life of the pastor.  Hopefully it will be a help to us as missionaries, pastors, and workers to make sure we know others are watching our lives. Continue reading “Why People do not Agree with Their Leader”

When Increase Comes

Psalm 62:10 – “if riches increase, set not your heart upon them”

Many times in life, God blesses us – spiritually, physically, with friends, family, … and yes even materially. I don’t think anyone would turn down a raise at work, a bonus or a big financial gift, in fact, it makes it a pretty good day when God chooses to increase what we have. Although every person should be careful to not set their hearts upon the increase, I want to take this view from the point of someone in the ministry who receives increase in life. There are some grave dangers that can occur when the Lord chooses to give material increase in our lives, and I hope these simple thoughts can provoke strong reactions of carefulness as we minister for the Lord. Continue reading “When Increase Comes”

When You Feel you have Plateaued

Whether serving as a missionary, pastorate, assistant or lay person, we have probably all at one time felt like we have “plateaued” in our ministry or life. It is exciting when you are advancing, growing, and clearly seeing the Lord work, but what do you do when you feel you have hit a certain spot and have plateaued? This brief article has the intention of helping you see that there is still room to grow, go forward and see wonderful things accomplished in your life and ministry. God is still interested in your life and ministry. Below are some simple ideas to help you break the mediocrity and begin to advance once again. Continue reading “When You Feel you have Plateaued”