By Tim Challies
- When a child of God dies, he does not go away, rather goes ahead.
- The Bible uses the example of sleep for death. Sleep is a time to rest, but it is not an end.
- God is good all the time. There’s no laps in God’s sovereignty.
- Who are we to deem something as evil if God has deemed it as good.
- Bless God in the giving and in the taking.
- Our children are more God’s creation than our procreation.
- Be careful to distinguish the purpose from the results – why God did something and how God will use it.
- You can accept something by faith as God‘s will, and God‘s will is always perfect.
- Do not charge God with wrong.
- You can receive something as a trial to steward instead of a punishment to endure.
- Things may scar you but they do not have to define you.
- God was, is, and will be with you at all times.
- We can decide to bow our will to God’s throne.
- God’s actions are always good and His timing is always perfect.
- God gave talents: to one servant, one; to another, two; and to another, five. He never asked who wanted what/how many talents, and He doesn’t ask us what He will give or take from us.
- A perfect God with with perfect character will display His perfect Will.
- God begins every life, has authority over every life, and ultimately ends every life.
- Death is the great interruptor. It is also the great redirector.
- You do not have to spend the rest of your life incapacitated by sorrow, you can allow it to motivate you to serve God greater.
- God owes you no answer, and you would be wrong to demand one.