By Tim S. Grover
- The ability to win is within all of us.
- Winning will cost you everything but will reward you if you’re willing to pay the price.
- All winners understand that there’s a price to pay, and you must pay it if you are going to win.
- Knowledge is power, but only if you use it.
- Don’t learn what to think, learn how to think.
- The great players figure out what works for them whether it works for others or not.
- If what you were doing does not lead to achievement, you must be willing to switch things up regardless of how difficult or time-consuming it may be.
- Innovate, don’t imitate.
- Winning wages war on the battlefield in your mind.
- If you can’t master the basics, you can’t mess with anything else.
- You have to be ready to handle the unexpected.
- The battle begins and ends in your mind.
- Winning requires your mind to be stronger than your feelings.
- Control your thoughts and you control your emotions. Control your emotions and you control your actions. Control your actions and you control your outcome.
- Extreme results require extreme competition.
- The right decisions take you to the next level. The wrong decisions keep you exactly where you are.
- When you can win the small victories, you can start competing for more.
- You don’t find balance, you create balance.
- Time for everything means time for nothing.
- You must master the art of saying no if you’re going to be a winner.
- You cannot win without prioritizing your goals.
- There are wins everywhere, you just have to find them.
- Fear can give you direct access to winning.
- Don’t let fear cause you to abandon rather embrace
- Winning and losing are not mortal enemies, they actually need each other.
- Winning will do all the talking for you, so keep your mouth shut and work until you do something.
- Winning isn’t interested in your excuses, you still have to show up both mentally and physically.
- Winning doesn’t care if you have time, it expects you to make time.
- If you do it like everyone else, you will have what everyone else has.
- Stop waiting until you’re told you can or can’t do something.
- Long term goals might be good but no one is promised long term.
- A sense of urgency is the difference between those that win and those that watch others win.
- The biggest mistake we make in life is thinking we have time.