How to get your church to be an indigenous church

I heard and took these notes many years ago. As I read back thru them recently, I was very thankful and saw how many of these simple thoughts formed my philosophy and practice of ministry. In no way are these infallible ideas or promised, success principles for ministry – but I do believe they can greatly help any missionary serving in any country.

  1. Start the first service with giving a offering – it reminds them, shows where the money goes, motivates them to give.

Four accounts for giving:

  • Tithes – maintains local church (Have a Stewardship Month to teach Time, Talent & Treasure)
  • Faith Promise (Have a Faith Promise month)
  • Other (Building Fund)
  • New Works – 10% of tithes – tell them we’ve been given and we should help give to start other churches so others can hear.

You can have four different people carry the four different purses of the different offerings – trustworthy people Continue reading “How to get your church to be an indigenous church”

How to get more people involved in your Church’s Mission Conference

One of the poorest attended meetings in the local church each year is the Church Mission’s Conference.  This is a sad indictment upon our churches and our concern for lost souls around the world.  However it also indicates poor planning and preparation on the part of the pastor and the church.  Someone said; “Everything rises and falls on leadership!”  That is certainly the truth!  Here are a few ideas that you might consider that might help your next conference. Continue reading “How to get more people involved in your Church’s Mission Conference”

Hey, young person, “What are you going to do with your life?”

  1. I want to be a fireman“. You know lost people can put out a fire – wouldn’t you like to put out eternal fires?


  1. I want to be a doctor“. You know lost lost people can be doctors and fix a body – wouldn’t you like to see souls saved and serving God?


  1. I want to be a builder“. You know lost lost people can build buildings – wouldn’t you like to build the Lord’s kingdom?


  1. I want to be famous (sports player, musician, etc.)“. You know lost people can have a name in the world and win temporal prizes – wouldn’t it be better to work on and obtain eternal prizes?


  1. I want to be in the armed forces“. You know lost people can be in the armed forces – wouldn’t it be awesome to be on the front lines as a soldier of Jesus Christ?



If you want to be used of God, it’s time to:


  1. Get busy! Start inviting people and getting involved in your church now!


  1. Begin to prepare your life! Come to the Our Generation Training Center for 1 year and let God lead you to the next step. A call to service is a call to prepare!


  1. Surround yourself around people who are consumed with serving God – Our Generation Camp every June (Trenton, GA) and Our Generation Summit every December/January (Gatlinburg, TN). The team of missionaries associated with Vision Baptist Missions is fired up, excited and serious about serving God.



How to get in touch with us:


  1. Call us – 770-362-3795


  1. Web pages – or or



Here to Serve,


Jeff Bush

General Director

Great Opportunities on Deputation

Deputation is the time where a missionary (in the Independent Baptist Churches) travels to churches seeking to raise support in order to get to the field he/she believes the Lord has called them to. When my wife and I were on deputation, I remember many people that had a negative attitude towards deputation, but for us it was a wonderful experience and we learned a lot. Sure there are challenges, like everything in life, but the overall time of deputation is actually a wonderful experience to be taken advantage of… so allow me to share a few short ideas of how to take advantage of the great opportunities while on deputation. Continue reading “Great Opportunities on Deputation”

Finish What you Start

A long while back I read this stat and although I don’t know that the numbers are accurate, I do think it is pretty interesting:

100 young people walk an isle at mission conference, only 6 go to Bible college, 4 graduate and go to the field, and only one goes back for the second term!

Wow! Think about that, only a few really finish what they start. The truth is that we can apply this to any area of life… very few people finish what they start. When I was in Argentina, there were crazy amounts of people that would enter in the local university as lawyers (or accountants, medical, etc.) and the second year the number would be less than half, third year would be fewer and those that graduated many times were just a handful of those who started. Probably all of us could mention examples of how people quit and don’t follow through, but the sad thing is that this same mindset is happening in the ministry just as much as it is in the secular world. We must enter this subject taking the wise counsel given to us by God in I Corinthians 10:12 – “let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall”. We should be very careful before looking at other situations with a judgmental attitude, but we can be wise and try to learn some things, we can try to strive with all our might to finish what we start. Remember that serving God will almost guarantee the devil’s attacks, so we might want to set our hearts and minds on finishing what we start. Here are a few ideas that may help all of us to continue on and not quit. Continue reading “Finish What you Start”

Excuses for not being a Missionary

  1. “But I’m not called”

You don’t know how many people I’ve met who have said to me “I agree that more people need to go to the mission field, but I’ve never heard God tell me to go.”

Well, the truth is that God has already told you to go in His Word. In fact, He commands you to go… “Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15) That’s right… YOU ARE CALLED!

In fact, if you don’t go, you need a specific calling from God to stay home. Has God definitely told you not to “go” somewhere outside your country to preach the Gospel? If He hasn’t, then you’d better start praying WHERE to go, instead of IF you should go – for again, you’re already called!

  1. “But God needs people to stay here to be a witness to those lost in America. There’s enough need right here!”

It is true that God has called some people to stay right where they are to be witnesses for Jesus in their daily lives and professions. But again, God is merciful and just. Since America has only about 5% of the world’s population, then only about 5% of the believers would really be called to stay in this country as a witness ( that’s only about 1 out of 20) while the rest of us should go into the parts of the world where there are almost 0% believers. (In Albania, for instance, there are only “a handful” of known believers in the whole country of 2.7 million people – less than 1/2 of 1/1000th percent!!) Continue reading “Excuses for not being a Missionary”

Enquiry into our Obligation

William Carey said “THE impediments in the way of carrying the gospel among the heathen must arise, I think, from one or other of the following things; either their distance from us, their barbarious and savage manner of living, the danger of being killed by them, the difficulty of procuring the necessaries of life, or the unintelligibleness of their languages.”

Not much has changed since William Carey’s day with respect to why we do not go.  In his statement is the pattern for why we also have failed to evangelize our neighbours.  Continue reading “Enquiry into our Obligation”