
Missions: How the Local Church Goes Global (9Marks: Building ...


by Andy Johnson


– A concern for the lost is a concern that every Christian should have.

– The church has the Gospel and must guard, share and proclaim it.

– If we are convinced that eternal damnation exists, how else could we prioritize anything more important?

– Prioritizing missions should be done out of our love and devotion for Christ.

– Global missions is the responsibility of a local church.

– The church is the bride of Christ. We are the stagehands and He is the star; we must not forget that.

– Do not try to get people excited about missions until they fall in love and appreciate what God has done for them.

– Missions in the most historical and traditional term means crossing geographic, linguistic and cultural bounds. If we consider everything to be missions, then nothing is missions.

– A missionary should not be a self-standing man, he should be supported by and accountable to a church.

– We are not to send just warm bodies, but laborers who gets the job done. Christ told us to pray for laborers, not just anyone. (Mt. 9:38)


– What kind of missionaries to send out:

1. Assess their Character – men that are self-starters, honest, spiritual and will get the work done. 1

2. Assess their Fruitfulness – are they taking up space or producing fruit? If they are not producing fruit where they are at, they most likely will not produce fruit on the field where they go.

3. Assess their Bible Knowledge – people who stand out in their knowledge of the Scriptures. They should both know for themselves what they believe and know how to teach the Scriptures to others so that it can be reproduced and lived out in the lives of others.

– People that are not faithful and fruitful members of church will not be good missionaries.


– When we support missionaries from our church, our giving should be:

1. Serious

2. Significant

3. Sacrificial

– One of the best things that we can do to encourage the missionaries on the field is to send other missionaries to go work alongside them.

– Evaluate the missionary that you’re going to support by making sure he is still logically sound, has a good work ethic, has the right understanding of the church and has character. Find out their goals and plans on their field.


– If a pastor wants to see more laborers for the field, he should:

1. Preaching from the Pulpit – use illustrations, use victories and use stories of all God is doing overseas.

2. Praying from the Pulpit – teach your people to pray for missions, the lost and the need for more laborers.

3. Relationship Based – get to know your missionaries, their needs, their families and their ministries. Help them, go see them and send a group from your church to visit them.

Marriage Matters

Marriage Matters - Kindle edition by Tony Evans. Religion ...

Marriage Matters

by Tony Evans


– Some people want to get married because they think it is ideal, but then they find out it is an ordeal very soon they want a new deal.

– Adam was incomplete until God gave him Eve. God did not give him Eve until he realized his need for a helpmeet.

– Your differences are supposed to complement each other, to complete each other. Don’t allow them to drive a wedge between you.

– God told Adam what he could or could not eat and it was Adam‘s job to let his wife know. When the devil came tempting, he went through Eve. There is an order God has placed to operate (1 Corinthians 11:3). But we take things out of the order that God had placed them in, and give Satan and opportunity to cause problems.

– Man wants the woman to be under subjection to his authority but the man is not being subject to his authority, God.

– If you are the right kind of husband that loves his wife, you will not have to demand her to follow and fulfill her position.

– You don’t get God’s blessings without following God‘s rules and you don’t get God’s results without following God‘s guidelines. The problems in your marriage mean we’re not following God’s plans for your marriage.

– We as men are to get an example of what love is from God, because He is the standard for love. Ephesians 5:25-31

– Men are commanded to love and love requires sacrifice. David knew that a sacrifice would have to cost him something (2 Samuel 24:24). Men, what are we sacrificing, giving up, because we love our wives? Adam had to sacrifice for Eve by giving his rib. Jesus sacrificed for us by giving His life.

– Jesus did not only became our means, He became our sanctifier. To Sanctify means to change and make something better. As a husband, you are God’s tool to make your wife a better person.

– We cannot expect for God to make everything perfect in our marriage when He is not on the throne in our lives.

– God made marriage and because of that, marriage matters.

Managing God’s Money

Managing God's Money: A Biblical Guide: Randy Alcorn ...

Managing God’s Money

by Randy Alcorn


– Money is not a toy to play with but a tool to be used.

– We are managers of God’s money.

– As Martin Luther said, we are managers of the mind, the heart and the purse.

– The issue is not what we would do with $1 million if we had it but what we are doing with the money we currently do have.

– God cares a great deal about the little things. For this reason, if we cannot be faithful with the worldly money, how can we be faithful with that which is eternal?

– If Christ is not Lord over our money and possessions, then He is not Lord at all.

– Jesus sat and watched as people gave and then told His disciples that the widow woman gave more than the other people. The Bible does not say that Jesus happened to see, yet He was looking. He pays attention to our giving.

– How we handle our money speaks much about our spiritual lives.

– God owns everything, and even what He has placed in my hands is His and not mine.

– When we realize everything belongs to God, we can then ask God what He wants us to do with what He gave us.

– Money is neutral, but how you use it can be evil or good.

– Materialism does not and cannot bring happiness.

– The lost worry about what they’re going to eat, drink, and wear but God’s children should not worry about that ‘

– Matthew 6

– If you love money, you will never have enough – Ecclesiastes 5:10–11.

– Materialism will blind you from many of God’s big blessings.

– Materialism can blind people from depending on God. Why would you need God if you have everything you need and want? Prosperity can turn people away from God.

– Those that grew up with almost anything that they wanted, later in life have more problems with debt, blaming others, and irresponsibility.

– No money can replace a dad’s presence.

– Take your children to a junkyard and show them that their toys and gadgets will end up there one day.

– Do not believe that just because you love God you will have financial prosperity.

– Prosperity gospel/theology says to “live like a king’s kid,” but how did our God send His Son to live in this world? This philosophy is not fully according to the Bible.

– God does not entrust us with riches so that we can keep them but so that we can give them.

– Giving away money puts us in a financial weakness and we do not like that. Giving helps us depend on God, prepare for future friends that can help us when we’re in need, and fills us with joy.

– Spend your life serving the right Master and investing in the right things.

– People are always looking for safe places to put their money and God gives us the safest place — putting our treasures in heaven.

– Just because God puts money in our hands doesn’t mean it’s supposed to stay there.

– Parting with something we don’t want is not giving, it is just selective discarding.

– God’s money manager should not ask how much he should keep but how much should give.

– Tithing should not be the end of our giving but the beginning of our giving. Tithing teaches us to honor and depend on God.

– Giving to the poor is lending to the Lord.

– We are not to be store houses of money but channels with it.


Amazon.com: Listen!: The Art of Effective Communication eBook ...


by Dale Carnegie


– There’s a big difference between listening and hearing. Hearing can be done involuntarily but listening is hearing and understanding.

– You can get people interested in you by being interested in them; learn to listen.


– There are seven different kind of listeners:

1. The Preoccupied — worried about everything.

2. The Impatient — they can’t sit still and listen.

3. The Interrupters — they are waiting to jump in and say something whenever you pause.

4. The Whatever’s — they don’t care what you say.

5. The combative’s — they are not listening for understanding but for ammunition to use against you.

6. The Analyst — they are listening to fix whatever you say.

7. The Engager’s — these are the ones that listen with their eyes, ears and heart. Be this kind of listener!


– Most people do not listen to learn, they listen to reply.

Like the Shepherd

Like the Shepherd: Leading Your Marriage with Love and Grace ...

Like the Shepherd

by Robert Wolgemuth 


– You win with your wife not by conquering her, but by humbly leading her.

– Both you and your wife need a shepherd, so let God be your shepherd and your example so you can lead your wife better.

– “And gave himself for her” is a biblical truths that all of us should learn and live by.

– Only as you allow the Lord to be your shepherd can you be the right shepherd to your wife.

– As humans, we are destined to be sheep. We cannot change that fact. What we can choose is who we let be our shepherd. Make the right decision and let God be your shepherd, your leader.

– If you love your bride as Jesus does His (the church), she will follow you.

– Jesus was God and had authority, yet he was humble and loving. He came to serve instead of be served. If you love and lead your wife like the example of Jesus, your wife will follow you.

– Proverbs 27:23 — know the state of your flock — how well do you know your wife?

– The Bible says the Adam knew Eve and she conceived. What does the verb “to know” have to do with sex? A man can climax in seconds, but it takes a woman longer. Real sex is so intimate it is knowing the other person.

– You can decide to be a good shepherd, but your wife is the only one who can make the decision to be a good follower. You cannot force her.

– Treat your wife as your friend. Maybe you need to turn again to your first love.

– You should never have to remind your wife about your role as a shepherd.

– Be the shepherd of your kitchen and don’t let any cell phones at the table when you’re eating a meal with the family.

– Sin ruins God‘s flock and hurts His sheep. God hates sin, and as the shepherd of your family, you should too.

– A shepherd encourages his sheep.

– Be a Barnabas, an encourager, to your wife.

– Jesus looked at Peter and asked him if he, Peter, loved Jesus more than anything. Peter answered yes, and Jesus told him to feed His sheep. And as a husband, love Jesus more than anything or you will not be able to feed the sheep He has given you.

– Jesus is a humble and gentle shepherd, and that’s what your wife needs for you to be.

– When you married your wife, your marital fuel tank was on full, but after arguments, disagreements, and situations throughout life, your tank begins to run on empty

Laboring in the Harvest

Laboring In The Harvest by LeRoy Eims

Laboring in the Harvest

by Leroy and Randy Eims


– Laborers are few. There seems to always be enough churchgoers and religious people but not enough laborers.

– A laborer gets calluses, works hard and works for another person.

– There is a short of laborers because we are shortsightedness. We see the now instead of the future.

– There’s a short of laborers because of the lack of prayer. We are told to pray for them.

– There’s a lack of laborers because of its position. There’s no prestigious title, just people who go out in the fields and work. Outside of the apostles, there were 70 witnesses. We do not know their names, they were just laborers.

– Laborers have creative perseverance. If one way doesn’t work they find another way.

– Labors build bridges. Build bridges to reach others for the Lord.

– The laborer must be diligent to do the work of an evangelist.

– Ultimately, laborers come from God.

– We want to produce reproducers.

– Be makers of disciple makers. Be Equippers.

– Jesus majored on men not ministry methods.

– Avoid the myth that disciple making can be made in a vacuum.

– Evangelism is the fizz in the Christian life. It’s what first comes out when you open the can and without it things go flat.

– The equipper must be an example himself. He’s not to just teach, but to be an example of what he teaches.

– The ministry of an equipper is that of patience and love. Their eyes must be fixed up on the Lord and patient with those they’re helping.

– The equipper cannot do the laborers job, but they can motivate the laborer to do his job.

– Show them how to do things, help them away, involve them and don’t forget to serve them.

– We are in a battle, and just as in any other battle, there are casualties. There will be people we are discipling that will quit, but we must not quit ourselves, just look for others and continue.

– Discouragement will be a big tool the devil uses in the life of an equipper. The devil would do anything to get your mind off of what your chief objective is.

– It seems that everything imaginable will happen, but an equipper must be tenacious, must be persistent.

– There’s no room for laziness in God’s work. Laboring for God is hard work. – I Thessalonians 2:19-20

– Become a spiritually qualified laborer. Become an equipper of laborers.

– Just as any farmer that plants, there are some years of big harvest, some of drought, storms and problems.

– We will never reach a time as a laborer in which our faith is not tested and trials end.

– There will be both stories of failures and successes as you fish for men.

– We must continue letting God sanctify our lives for His sanctified work.

– A holy life is a very powerful tool.

King Me

King Me: What Every Son Wants and Needs from His Father: Steve ...

King Me

by Steve Farrar 

– God has called on men to mentor their son’s, not on moms to mentor their sons.

– It might be hard for a father not to have a son, but it is much harder on a son to not have a father. Boys need their dads in their lives!

– A dad has no higher calling in life than to shape his son into a man.

– Boys need a dad that is faithful to his wife, doesn’t look at porn, and won’t cut out when things get tough.

– Your son is listening when you don’t think he is and he is always watching you. He needs a good example!

– No matter what stage of life or age your son is, you can always decide to do what is right and use your influence like you should.

– You will mess up, no doubt about it, but when you mess up, be big enough to get it right. Ask God to forgive you and help you, and be willing to confess and ask forgiveness from your son as well.

– Give your son the structure and discipline that he needs to become a man.

– You have to purposefully take time with your son so that you can hear the inside beats and thoughts of his heart.

– What the blacksmith is to the sword, the father is to the son. He must sharpen and mold him.

– If your son never has a healthy fear of you, he will never have a healthy fear of God. Whether you like it or not, you are your sons instinctive image of God.

– How can a boy learn to be a man if he’s always around women and never around a man.


– A son needs:

1. Purpose — God has created him for a purpose. In his uniqueness, God has a purpose for him. Help him discover his God-given gifts (what he likes, what he is good at and what others can see he’s good at).

2. Plan —

3. Patience — maybe to find his gifts, to do right, etc.

4. Path — it is your job as a dad to teach and give God’s Word to your son. God‘s Word will teach him all he needs to know to get through life. It is your job to make sure he hears the truth to know how to navigate in this world.

5. Prepared for Potential — 1 Kings 2:2-3. – You have to talk to your son about sex:


• Sexual openness and struggle is very real and you have to help your son before the devil gets him.

1. Talk to him early and wisely — talk to him before others do.

2. Talk to him honestly — about his thought life, self control, and real temptations.

3. Talk to him often — talk about what’s happening in life. – Every father mentors his son, just not always for the right things.


Jumpstart Your Leadership

JumpStart Your Leadership: A 90-Day Improvement Plan: Maxwell ...

Jumpstart Your Leadership

by John Maxwell


– Every leader has potential to improve.

– Every leader must prove himself with little before he’s given much. When you do that, you gain leadership, not just position.

– Leadership is much more about who you are then it is about what you do.

– Good leaders know who they are, their strengths and their weaknesses.

– Integrity is the core of leadership. Knowing your values and living by them will make you a better leader.

– It’s not what you do every once in a while but what you do day by day that makes the difference.

– Become the kind of leader that people will follow voluntarily, a leader with or without a position.

– Leadership is action, not position. It is taking people somewhere.

– Leadership is about working with people, so always work on improving your people skills.

– Nearly everyone can handle adversity, but if you want to test someone, give them power.

– Abraham Lincoln – Just because you have the right to do something as a leader does not mean you should do it.

– People quit people; not companies or organizations.

– Leadership is the capability of turning vision into reality.

– Leaders are initiators.

– If you want to change the world, first start with yourself.

– A title or position is not the goal for a leader, it is just the beginning on their leadership journey.

– A leader realizes that he must develop people because people are the ones who get things done, not rules, play books or machines.

– A good leader understands that he does not know everything, but he can put people around him that you understand every situation.

– Good leaders are accessible to others.

– You could lead people without caring for them but you cannot care for people without effectively leading them.

– You have to decide if you want to help people or make people happy. But realize that you can never please everyone, so if you’re going to help them, it will not be by always making them happy.

– Remember that if you step on people’s fingers on the way climbing up, they may trip you on your way back down — treat people with respect.

– People have to be able to trust you if they’re going to work with you.

– Liking and caring about people are essential to leading people, it is your choice to like and care for them. Find something good and positive about every person.

– Leaders who build people understand that problems are a part of progress.

– The first person that you must always examine in leadership is yourself.

– Listen, learn and then lead. Don’t go the opposite way around.

– To be a good leader knowing what to do is not enough.

– Do you know what the people you are leading want to accomplish? It is hard to relate to others if you do not know what their goals and ambitions are.

– A leader can avoid crossing over the line from motivation to manipulation by simply practicing the golden rule — do unto others as you want them to do to you.

– Kind words can be short and sweet, but their echoes will go on for many years.

– As a leader, you have great opportunities to lift up and encourage others, so use those opportunities.

– If you become the chief encourager of your organization, people will work hard to live up to your expectations.

– As a leader it is your responsibility to help those that are doing poorly to do better and those that are doing good to do their best.

– Care plus candor is what is needed to help others. Never try to correct or instruct someone without having their best interest in mind.

– A leader has to have an open door policy if he is going to help people.

– If you’re going to be open and blunt with other people, you have to be willing for them to be open and blunt with you at times.

– You can dream up anything in the world, but it takes people to make it a reality.

– Instead of worrying if people will buy into your vision, you should worry about people buying into you.

– A leader takes people where they want to go, but a great leader will take people where they need to go although don’t necessarily want to go.

– Good leaders take people where they want to go instead of just showing them the way — they are more like tour guides instead of travel agents.

– Having talented players on your team is good, but it does not mean that you will win. People have to learn to get along and play as a team.

– Success is an uphill journey.

– If you’re going to be a leader, one of the key elements is that you have to learn to make difficult decisions.

– Learn to give away credit to as many people as you can.

– Good leaders don’t ever take anything for granted, they explain instead of assume.

– To be a great leader, you must not only get things done, but the right things done.

– As a leader you must not only find your own strengths, but help others find their strengths as well.

– Progress requires change, and very few people like change.

– People resist that which is forced upon them, but they accept that which they helped create.

– Good leaders keep pushing, they don’t just gain momentum and then sit back and coast.

– Leaders know that it is their responsibility to create more leaders, not more followers.

– Great leaders develop the people under and around them.

– Commit to making others better. Companies and organizations get better when the people that work in them get better.

– Model with integrity.