Equipping 101

Equipping 101: What Every Leader Needs to Know by John C. Maxwell ...

Equipping 101

By John Maxwell


– Lone heroes are usually a myth. It almost always takes others.

– Individuals win games, but teams win championships.

– Equip the right people because those closest to the leader will determine the success of the leader.

– Do you have a plan for those working closest to you – do they know the goals, do they see the plan, are they growing?

– Most leaders do not develop other leaders because either they lack the training or they have the wrong attitude.

– Equipping people expands and enhances the strength of an organization.

– The more people you lead, the more people you will need.

– Great leaders are on the lookout for normal people that they can teach and help become better people.

– Great leaders can identify perspective leaders.

– As in any sport, you have to scout out effective players.

– Qualities to look for in a perspective leader:

1. Character – we all have weaknesses but character will overcome those by his honesty, responsibility, etc.

2. Influence

3. Positive Attitude – someone who doesn’t just accept things how they are but sees the potential in every situation.

4. People Skills – understand people and have a genuine concern for them.

5. Evident Gifts – every person has gifts and a leader can help find and develop those.

6. Proven track records – a proven leader has a proven track record.

7. Confidence – people are attracted to those who have confidence, starting with confidence in themselves. The greatest leaders remain confident no matter the circumstances.

8. Self-discipline – to do what is needed for as long as needed. We live in a instant gratification world where everyone wants everything now. Discipline with their own emotions as well as with the time that they have been allotted.

9. Effective Communication Skills – without these skills a leader cannot communicate effectively to others what needs to be done and hence the organization and everyone will be affected. A poor communicator focuses on themselves but good communicators focus on others. Good communicators can read body language.

10. Discontentment with the Status Quo – a leader does not accept what everyone says or what is going on, they constantly move forward for better performance. Taking the safe road will not get you fired, but it will not help you advance very far either. We need risk takers willing to make changes where necessary.

– Equipping is not done by video and it’s not the same for every person, it is tailored for each individual.

– Equipping is showing the vision, giving the tools and helping them see it through.

– The equipper is someone from whom you can help draw experience. The equipper is a mentor. The equipper is an empower-er.

– Set goals for your people, they will become like a roadmap to help them on their journey.

– Equipping someone:

• Model it.

• Mentor

• Monitor

• Motivate – step out of the way encourage them.

• Multiply – step back and let the leaders find it help of the leaders.

– Look for gifts, talents and abilities of other people and then help them use those to their full potential.

– If you want to be a leader that will help others grow, do the following:

1. Believe in them before they believe in themselves.

2. Serve others before they serve you. One the best things that you can do for others is help them reach their full potential.

3. Add value to others before they add value to you.

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