By: Angela Duckworth
- People that don’t give up have a don’t-quit, hang-in-there attitude.
- Those who follow through and finish something are those that have determination and direction.
- Whether a cadet continued or dropped out of West Point was not because of their SAT scores or talent, but because of their grit.
- Future green berets and seals also stick because of their grit.
- Our potential is one thing, but what we do with it is a whole other thing.
- Talent is not destiny.
- Zeal and hard work ultimately beat intellect.
- We love naturals, but effort will go further than talent.
- As much as talent counts for something, effort counts twice as much.
- Greatness is made of many small feats, and all of them are doable!
- Effort builds skill.
- Talent x effort = skill. Skill x effort = achievement.
- 80% of life is showing up — Allen
- How many people start something new and then give up. Grit keeps you going.
- Talent comes naturally, but skill comes from doing something over and over until you get it.
- Grit is more about stamina than intensity.
- There are no shortcuts to excellency.
- Grit isn’t just falling in love but staying in love.
- Grit has two components: passion and perseverance.
- On any long journey, detours are to be expected.
- Grit, talent, and other psychological traits are genetically influenced, but not determined.
- Grit gets back up and continues going when knocked down.
- Passion for your work comes from a lot of discovery, followed by a bunch of development and a lifetime of deepening.
- Just because you love something does not mean you’ll be great at it, it takes a lot of work.
- Deliberate practice separates those that do have and do not have grit.
- Do not let setback become excuses.
- You can grow and obtain grit by starting from within yourself.
- To be gritty is to fall down seven times and raise eight.