- Train at least one usher to stand in door/ listen/ help control service/welcome people
- Use a minimum of 2 ushers. Choose a spot during break
- Print welcome on door or walk have wet down before each service
- Have ushers ready to take out chairs
- Are you using visitor cards?
- Get information by giving away Bibles but need info
- Get away prized based on faithful attendance
- In Sunday school teach how to read the Bible Sword drill/ book of the Bible
- Break up service/Sunday school in short parts to not let them get bored
- Gospel tracts need to be available so that can take them
- Need invitation read for next service to anyone & give them.
- Some sort of bulletin. Children lesson to take home. Drawing/life truth
- 8 under 12, 6 teens, 39
- Back ground music playing before, after, and between services
- Practice with usher, helping them get to seat
- Set up the nursery- children’s area
- Ushers gives those that leave early material
- Train people to sit with visitors & help them find verses in the Bible
- Do other churches have tea or snack for children
- Make Sunday school and everything like TV program, grab interest, make classes, interest to study
- Install ceiling fans
- Work on venting for air flow if possible. Consider where you have crowd
- Shorter break – so they don’t leave
- Sing some songs so they all sing. Spread out those that they know
- Due to outside noise use PA and set speaker up high – Hand held mic. Background noise ruining everything
- More light over and towards pulpit
- Have some sort of greeting time -10 seconds- they love to greet apparently
- Write Baptism tract with graphics explaining for them to give out
- Static web page set up to mobile they can get to
- Set up to text announcement to all each week
- Set up Facebook page from web
- Put all video and audio lings on web page
- Speaker outside for nosy people
- As soon as possible Sunday school class for young adults. You write the lesson. Teach in teachers and workers meeting. Sunday school divided.
- Divide Sunday school time. Never a segment longer than 12 min
- Have people stand to sing
- Put up a calendar of church events /social
- Get giving envelops
- Plan charter organizational service in the next year
- Visitor cards or something. Must learn who came
- Decision cards
- Train councilors
- Work all week- practicing what each will do. They have to be there. Prepare with them
- Explain every move. Even how to use a song sheet- until all learn
- Order of service given to all who will participate including ushers
- Explain all Bible & reference words at all times
- Think of how a believer first time hears everything
- Remember the biggest enemy.
- Have practice sessions or everything. Ushers, Music, choir, specials, Bible verses, welcome, helping others find things in their Bibles. Sundays we run the plays we practice during the week. Get as many people as possible practicing each thing. Get subs ready
- Have Bible reading in service. Teach them to read. They need to practice his reading. Give attentions to reading
- Explain silent prayer. Praying is everything. So I learn what is helping.
- Always make sure you can look everyone in the eyes
- Get sign up sheet for disciple. Set up a time for all new believers to tell
- Have each of your guys look for 3 guys they can teach to do all they can do. Their job- find others train them and then move up.
- 6 circling fans
- Find jobs for anyone that comes semi-regular. Don’t worry if they miss.