- Regularly consider what a total outsider sees, hears, smells when entering
- Maybe a greeter at the door
- Not enough song books
- Water not working in bathroom
- Couldn’t see song leader and only occasionally could see the preacher
- Have Bible for visitors to use with help
- Helpers need to be ready at all times
- You could put a monitor on post and telecast from camera
- Consider doing all night meetings with those that come
- Retreats
- Trips
- Camp properly, camp out
- Take them other placed to pass out tracts
- Have weekly staff meetings with your people
- Possible business card for you and your wife with web or Facebook address to give to literally every person you see and do business with
- Ask attendees to take several tracts after every service to share with friends
- Have prayer over map of area, city, valley, country, world
- Get a monthly men’s meeting- youth meeting- prayer meeting with leaders
- Take your guys to where they burn bodies – Look – make them feel more & preach Gospel
- Get them over the city to see lights and day time to pray over city
- Make sure preaching is full of Bible stories to hold interest and be memorable
- Take tour, people to other churches to motivate them
- Constantly remember they do not know the Bible stories like you do
- Use them to teach the truth
- Don’t get too doctrinal like teaching but exactly like a story
- Practical lessons – applicable. How does this truth change my life?
- Work on music.
- Make it fun- music service
- Don’t be academic
- Do they understand the words we use like normal?
- What material are available?
- Audio
- Video
- Tracts
- Change stories to their culture. They don’t understand our culture or care.
- Watch local TV to learn how to explain emotions
- What does grace, gospel, ect mean/translate
- Repetition, redundant. Simple pictures, illustrated or they will not get it
- Act out message when you can
- Stay on salvation for a long time in main service
- Salvation, assurance, baptism, righteousness, prayer, Bible reading, church attendance, all basic stuff
- Other meetings to slowly go forward
- Preach children’s church message
- Don’t preach American message
- Don’t preach too much
- I would end service with a song so the ending isn’t so abrupt.
- Have children’s Sunday school class upstairs
- Arrange chairs to see better
- Give out Gospel materials to take home every service
- Raise speakers
- Put TV screen out on street
- Record all services -audio & video- to put on web page and Facebook
- Give hand out so lesson goes home
- During Sunday school try to participate
- Have a memory verse and someone to teach it
- Have special music by children/choir
- Get young ladies to help – schedule
- Have workers meeting- set schedule. Ask all to participate. Cleaning/decorating/nursery/verses/ teachers
- Change decorations every month
- Put quote on wall like Budda quote by Jesus
- Set up special meeting about felt need
- Have people help read/ act out/ lesson. This is different than preaching service
- If need to hire a maid ect. For nursery so Amber can teach kids Sunday School
- Get info printed on windows
- Get banner across street