It will build the FAITH of your church, through the expounding of the Scriptures, the experiences that are shared, nad the expressions of satisfaction by the missionaries and by others who are involved in faith promis; the faith of your church will be increased.
It will build a FIRE in your church. In a mission’s conference, perhaps as in no other meeting, your people will become conscious of the souls that are lost, the Savior that loves them, and the Spirit that leads us in winning them. This then will translate into action in your own church that will bring people to God.
It will build the FELLOWSHIP in your church. A burden for a world that is going to hell without the Gospel will change the whole attitude of your church. It will destroy a selfish spirity, develop a sharing spirit, and also develop a steadfast spirit among your people.
It will build the FINANCES of your church. As you move to give by faith to missions, you will discover two thing happen. You free up the tithes and offerings given to the church to be used for local church expenses, but above that, you will discover that God’s shovel is bigger than your spoon, and He will shovel in more than you spoon out. God will honor the faith, freeness, and feelings of the church as they give by faith to missions. Space will not permit me to tell about many churches that experienced increases in tithes and offerings to the church as the church moved to give to missions by faith.
It will build the FIELD of your church. Humanly spaking, the outreach of your church is very limited. But as you get involved in faith promise giving and taking on the missionaries, you move from street to street, from state to state, and from shore to shore through your missions program. Everywhere you support a missionary becomes a part of your church field, until one day you realize God’s field is the world (Mt. 13:38).
It will build the FUTURE of your church. I would not attempt to make you believe that the churches with faith promise mission programs do not have any problems, but since missions is the very heartbeat of God, as you move to give by faith, you can be assured of God’s presence, peace, and protection on your church.
It will be the FINAL reward for your church. Many churches major on super structures or comfortable conveniences for their people. These will not gain much attention at the judgment seat of Christ, but faith promise missions will bring much fruit that will be accredited to the church’s account (Phil 4:17). I believe the Lord will bring together each church, their missionaries, and the fruit of the missionaries’ labors at the judgment seat of Christ, and the church members will get to see the fruit of their mission giving. You talk about a shouting time, we’ll have one!
By Dr. Roger Baker