Wounded by God’s People Book Review by Jeff Bush

by Anne Graham Lotz

  • Sometimes the deepest wounds are by those who also call themselves God’s children. 
  • If anyone could understand, it is our Savior. He was despised and rejected by those He came to save. 
  • When they hurled their insults at Him, he did not retaliate. He did not respond to the threats. He charged it to His Father.
  • If anyone had a right to respond, retaliate and react, it was Jesus. 
  • Don’t let anyone rob you of the greatest treasure, which is a personal and passionate relationship with Jesus.
  • Don’t reject the God of those that are rejecting you.
  • Hagar was wounded by the family (Abraham and Sarah) by which came the heritage of our Jesus.
  • Sarah was wounded because she could not have a child, and was probably looked down upon as a result. But now this wounded woman became a wounder to Hagar. 
  • Sarah, an exemplary woman in the Bible, wounded another person. 
  • After being wounded, if we think on it and live in it, we can easily slip into becoming a wounder. 
  • Hannah was mocked because she couldn’t have a child, but she chose to pray and talk to God instead of retaliate. 
  • Although a wounded person might not get over their hurt easily, you still should still ask forgiveness. 
  • Wounds can be contagious. Families and countries have taken sides and began wars and fights over past hates. 
  • Hagar did what seems to be the easiest when hurt, she ran. Though running may be the easiest answer, it doesn’t solve the problem. 
  • Instead of having imaginary conversations with your wounders, you must forgive or you will not heal. 
  • Place your eyes on the Healer rather than the scars of your wounders. 
  • Wounds have a way of festering if you don’t let them heal. 
  • As did Hagar, there must be a time to stop crying and start crying out. 
  • God told Hagar to go lift up her son Ishmael after she ran away. It doesn’t seem to make sense that lifting a person during your own turmoil can relieve your pain. Yet God seems to use that method. Who can you lift up? Who is your Ishmael, one that needs your hand?
  • Allow God to use this valley to open your eyes. Don’t let the pain or hurt blind you from what God wants you to see.
  • God opened Hagar’s eyes to see water. Had the water been there the whole time?
  • The hurt can broaden your heart, deepen your compassion, refocus your purpose and draw you nigh to God. 
  • God can give you a vision in your valley. 
  • You can not move forward by looking backwards. 
  • Look up and look ahead. You cannot move forward by looking backwards.
  • When Jesus was on the cross, He said, “Father forgive them.” How could you not forgive those who wounded you? 

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