Win the Day Book Review by Jeff Bush

By Mark Batterson 

  • We feel so unqualified for tomorrow’s circumstances that we quit before we even start. 
  • Let go of dead yesterday’s and unborn tomorrow’s.
  • Focus on the inputs more than the outcomes. 
  • Win the day, and tomorrow will take care of itself. Do that enough days in a row, and you can accomplish almost anything.
  • Break the bad habits by doing good habits.
  • We are so fixated on the past, and anxious about the future, that we miss out on the present.
  • Most people think eternity starts in the future, but it starts right now.
  • The expiration on manna was every day. The deadline on anger was before sundown. God’s mercies are new every morning. We are told to take up our cross daily. We are told to rejoice today. The 24-hour rule is everywhere you look. 
  • You might not think you can do something for a month or a week, but you can do it for a day. 
  • Unleash the power of 24-hours. 
  • God will use things in your past to prepare you for tomorrow. 
  • It might take a Goliath-sized giant to bring out the David within you. 
  • Some people say they succeeded in spite of bad situations, but most likely they succeeded because of those bad situations. 
  • You don’t get to choose your past, but you do get to determine what your future will look like. 
  • There’s nothing wrong with asking God to change your circumstances, but God might be using your circumstances to change you. 
  • Sometimes God saves us from suffering, but many times He saves us through suffering. 
  • If you want to do what no one has done, you need to do what no one is doing. 
  • If you do not like what is happening in your life, take responsibility and change it. 
  • If you will do little things like big things, then God might do big things with those little things 
  • Sometimes our Plan B is God‘s plan A.
  • Today is the day. If you wait until you are ready to do it, you will never do it.
  • We need an holy urgency. Not the kind that is born of nervousness, but the kind that is born of a righteous passion.

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