True Discipleship Book Review By Jeff Bush

By William MacDonald (summary by Jeffrey Bush)

  • Jesus is not looking for those who will give their spare evenings to Him, but rather commit their lives to Him. 
  • To be His disciple, we must walk as He walked – John 15:8
  • The way we use material possessions speaks of our spiritual stewardship. 
  • A disciple cannot be divided between two worlds. He can love God or mammon, but not both. This passage (Matthew 6:24) was written to disciples, not to lost people. 
  • The disgrace of the church today is that there is more zeal in suicide bombers and cultists than amongst God’s children. 
  • God is looking for people completely controlled by the Holy Spirit. 
  • No one has ever trusted God in vain. 
  • Any disciple that decides to walk by faith can be assured that his faith will be tested. 
  • Since faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God, the disciple should desire to saturate himself in the Scripture. It is his lamp and light, his chart and compass. 
  • Prayer that cost nothing is worth nothing. 
  • The way of unity is through humility. 
  • The Bible is center in world evangelism. 
  • More can be accomplished for God by a few dedicated disciples then by a great army of self-satisfied religionists. 
  • To be a true disciple is to be Christ’s bond slave.
  • A Christian either leaves his fortune upon death, or he goes to it in Heaven.
  • A Christian can make money as long as he doesn’t fall in love with it. 
  • God is not seeking power from us rather weakness. 

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