To Fly Again: Book Review by Jeff Bush

By Gracia Burnham 

  • There are two things things that are for certain, that there will be trials and that he has overcome them John 16:33
  • Less than 1/4 of the world sleep in beds. The majority of the world are sleeping in hammocks, on the floor, on the dirt, or on something else.
  • When life spins out of control, we find out who we really are. 
  • What defines us is not what we have but who we are.
  • Anger doesn’t help. Anger in the face of trouble is common, but that does not make it productive.
  • Impatience is another way of saying I am important, what I want should happen, and it really doesn’t matter what anyone else needs. 
  • A fruit of the Spirit is patience. God‘s timing and God‘s way is always best.
  • Sometimes God calms the storm, and sometimes God calms you.
  • Our only hope is God‘s grace.
  • When we are weak, He can be strong. When we are shattered, He can put us back together again. When we are disputed, He can infuse us with His joy.

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