As used at Vision Baptist Church in Alpharetta, GA
The following list is packed full of great questions to choose and use during your missions conference or when missionaries are visiting. It is exciting to have a missionary visit your church, but a pre-thought list of questions will maximize everyone’s time. Make your preparations from the list below:
- Why do you feel that what you do is so important?
- Tell a story of how Jesus worked in a man’s life in your ministry
- How do you reach men in your country?
- What is life like for the average man in your church?
- What are your biggest challenges in your personal, relational, spiritual, and ministerial life?
- How has being in full time ministry affected your family relationships and marriage?
- How has God been speaking to you lately?
- Share something you have learned from the Lord in the past few months
- What is something you are asking God for?
- Do you feel like your children are blessed or suffering as you serve as a missionary? Please explain
- Are there safety issues where you live?
- What do you most enjoy in your life as a missionary?
- What is the most difficult part of your life and ministry?
- If you could talk honestly and openly to your supporters what would you say?
- What is going on in your heart and mind as you prepare to go back to your ministry? What excites you and what are you dreading?
- What are the biggest adjustments and challenges you have to make living in on your field?
- How do people in your country feel about the USA?
- What are some cultural differences or barriers you have had to overcome?
- What is the best part about being a missionary?
- What does a typical week look like?
- What are your goals for the future?
- Tell us a funny story about something that has happened to you as a missionary
- What are your hobbies or relaxing activities?
- Where is your favorite place to go in your country?
- How is church planting and leader training progressing in your country?