By Lou Priolo
- The sin of pride is at the heart of people pleasing.
- Codependency (best term used in society for people pleasers) probably best falls under the category of idolatry. It is loving the approval of men more than the approval of God.
- There are two sides to idolatry; the first side is neglecting God, and the second side is replacing God with a cheap substitute.
- Fearing God will keep us from sin, but fearing man will bring a snare (Proverbs 29:15; John 12:42–43).
- People pleasing is not keeping the peace, rather abandoning the peace of God for peace with man. It is being a coward at heart.
- People pleasers rarely confront or speak to others about the sin in their lives.
- The people pleaser is unsatisfied with his own life, coveting what God has given to others.
- Man pleasing causes one to have many masters.
- People pleasing places one under bondage because they’re attempting to please man more than please God.
- Trying to please man will cause you to lose rewards — Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18
- The inordinate desire to please men will blind you from sin — Matthew 23:16-26
- Pride tempts you to change things in your life according to man’s priorities instead of the Holy Spirit’s agenda.
- Pride focuses on changing the outward more than the inward.
- Excessive love of what other think causes you to believe opinion of self over God’s opinion — John 5:44
- People pleasing can cause to listen more to flattery of man than conscience and Spirit. Look into the mirror of God’s Word more than approval of man.
- It’s not wrong wanting to please others as long as it doesn’t cause you to say no to the approval of God
- People pleasing cause one to be indecisive.
- People pleasing causes one to be a hypocrite.
- The people pleaser depends more on his abilities to get friends than he depends on God to give him friends.
- If pleasing God does not satisfy you, no amount of men’s approval will satisfy you.
- If you want to stop being a men pleaser, work at being a God pleaser. You must have a stronger desire to please God.
- The God pleaser is more concerned with what God sees on the inside, rather than what man sees on the outside.
- A God pleaser programs his life by God’s Word instead of the world’s culture.
- Ephesians 5:8–10 commands us to know how to please God.
- It is not wrong please others, but it is wrong to love the pleasure of man to the point it places you in bondage.
- Instead of asking what would please others, ask yourself what would please God.