Overcomers: Gaining Victory Over the Obstacles in Life

Do you know that your Heavenly Father knows and cares for you in every aspect of your life? He never gives a task that is impossible or that cannot be accomplished without His help. He never allows you to go through a trial where He can’t help you. There’s no sin that He cannot conquer in your life. Yet too many times we look up to Him and say, “I can’t.” If God is your God, you most certainly can! God’s children are “more than conquerors through him that loved us (Romans 8:37).” This is much more than a cute phrase, it is a mantra for the Christian life: we are more than conquerors! There is nothing that a child of God cannot overcome. The devil can’t defeat God’s children. We must realize and live out being the overcomer He has destined us to be. No matter if it is depression, anger, bitterness, fear, sorrow, pride, or temptation, it has no power over a child of God. We are more than conquerors, we are overcomers!

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