Find out their holidays and do something that shows you are one of them, such as putting out a flag on their Independence Day or recognizing a national historical day. If a holiday is something where you can’t biblically celebrate it because it is paganistic, sensual or sinful, plan another non-related activity. It could be a special youth meeting or activity at the church or go to the streets to pass out tracts.
Pay to get advertisements everywhere you can – on public transportation, street signs, billboards, etc. Likely big city busses are too expensive but smaller businesses (taxi companies or smaller busses) would accept your advertisement. Get something printed up that they need or will use and have your church name/info on it.
Be Specific.
Teach how to do offering, announcements, be a greeter or anything you want done. Be specific how you want it done and show them. Remember they have never seen it done or know what you are thinking. Show them how to receive people at the door, how to pass offering baskets down every aisle, how to give announcements or everything else you want done.
Everyone should Take Something Home.
Plan to have both visitors and church people take something home with them. Give first-time guests a visitors packet with a pen, Gospel brochure, calendar or other little gift. Pass out sermon notes they can either read to follow along or fill in the blanks. If they take something home, others may read/see it. You can print up brochures or booklets on how to read the Bible with a “Read you Bible Through in a Year” plan. You always want people to take something home from church to remember activities and to be able to influence them throughout the week.
Record All your Preaching and Teaching
You can upload it to YouTube or Sermon Audio, put it on the church’s website or make it available on CD, but make sure to record everything you teach and preach.
Get your Family Involved.
Let your kids stand outside to invite and help pass out tracts. Your children give the impression of life, fun, healthy and family friendly. Kids attract other kids, other families and just about everyone that sees them.
Encourage Everyone to Evangelize.
Have tracts available and easily accessible. Make it fun and a challenge for everyone to pass out 10 tracts a week. Teach them how to invite people and be excited about bringing new people.
Teachers and Workers Meetings.
Hold a teachers and workers meetings every week (before or after a service is probably easiest). Allow anyone interested to come whether they are working in the church yet or not. Give practical, ministerial lessons on how to receive people, how to disciple someone, how to evangelize, how to teach a lesson, how to study your Bible, why be faithful to church, etc. The goal is to teach the people to become faithful workers and to do ministry.
Give People Jobs Immediately.
Someone doesn’t have to be saved or spiritually mature. Their are many things a new Christian or even an interested unbeliever can do. They can be greeters, set out chairs, be ushers, turn on projector (or put out songbooks), pass out bulletin, turn on lights, sweep the floor, count attendance, prepare front entrance, decorate, help with cooking meals for special days, etc.
Here’s a little flyer that we used in Argentina to encourage church people to get involved:
Start on time.
To help people arrive on time, offer free tea (or some drink) and cookies before service. Have a fun atmosphere and short prayer time before the service begins. Start your welcome or first song right on time, even if there’s only one person there. You can make it appealing to arrive early but that means you have to be early yourself. Have people with responsibilities get there early to turn on lights, music, open doors and be at door to welcome.
Attractive Children’s Area
Have a nice, attractive children’s area. Make the nursery very appealing to both kids and parents. Colorful paint on the walls, a big rug on the floor, toys available, a baby crib, a rocking chair for mothers that nurse and a door or gate that will keep the children from escaping. When parents see a safe, clean and attractive children’s area, they are much more likely to bring their children and entrust you to watch their children. The Gospel shouldn’t be hindered by Don’t allow something so little as an uninviting kids area be the reason that a family doesn’t come to your church… the Gospel shouldn’t be hindered by something this small.
Information Available Outside.
Make a little rack or shelf that can hang on the outside of the church building in which you make tracts and other literature available. Have a little roof on top so it doesn’t get wet in rain and place a sign above that says “please take one”. Whether you place Gospel tracts or other literature there, the idea is that curious people walking by can learn more about what your church is and offers.
Let Visitors Draw a Crowd
Make a big deal of any visitors that come visit you. Print up flyers such as, “Special Speaker from North America” . Use their talents and abilities to draw a crowd. They can do a VBS, sing specials, play instruments, whatever it may be so use it as an opportunity to invite the community.. Even a group of teenagers from your home church going around the community with flyers will help draw attention and most likely get some visitors. Obviously your goal is to preach the Gospel and get visitors, so take advantage of every possible opportunity.