Thriving Life: Choosing to Encourage Yourself in the Lord 

In both life and ministry, it is very easy to let discouragement and circumstances beat you. We must make a daily choice to get the victory that Christ gives to each of us. We don’t have to just survive our life, our marriage, or our ministry. We can thrive because he helps us overcome the greatest battles!

I have learned through learning a language, planting churches, and training national leadership that life isn’t always going to go the way we plan, but we can, with the Lord’s help, not only survive the darkest days, but also thrive in them. I pray that this book will be a source of encouragement and that you will begin to thrive in the life that God has given you, whatever and wherever that may be.

They Turned the World Upside Down

In the history of the Christian faith there were men and women who allowed God to use their lives. They are an inspiration to every Christian who has the same desire of being used of God. This book contains brief biographies that can be used as devotionals for groups, families, with your children or personally. The author’s desire is that God will use this little book to give you passion for the lost by taking a closer look into the lives of these giants of the faith.

Principles in Missions

Described as an “Operator Manual on Missions,” Principles In Missions expounds on many of the facets of being a church-planting missionary. Jeffrey Bush accomplishes this ambitious task not with high theoretical concepts but with timeless, practical, and experience-based principles. The 18 church-planting principles here jump off the page, ready to be used immediately in real practice! Principles In Missions comes highly recommended by veteran missionaries such as Dr. Don Sisk and Dr. Charles Keen. Whether you are an experienced church-planter or an aspiring missionary, you will find in Principles In Missions invaluable in the ministry God has called you to!

Overcomers: Gaining Victory Over the Obstacles in Life

Do you know that your Heavenly Father knows and cares for you in every aspect of your life? He never gives a task that is impossible or that cannot be accomplished without His help. He never allows you to go through a trial where He can’t help you. There’s no sin that He cannot conquer in your life. Yet too many times we look up to Him and say, “I can’t.” If God is your God, you most certainly can! God’s children are “more than conquerors through him that loved us (Romans 8:37).” This is much more than a cute phrase, it is a mantra for the Christian life: we are more than conquerors! There is nothing that a child of God cannot overcome. The devil can’t defeat God’s children. We must realize and live out being the overcomer He has destined us to be. No matter if it is depression, anger, bitterness, fear, sorrow, pride, or temptation, it has no power over a child of God. We are more than conquerors, we are overcomers!

Missions Conference Manual

A large percentage of missionaries serving today surrendered their lives to be missionaries during their church’s missions conference. A missions conference is more than just raising prayer and financial support; It is challenging others to get involved in God’s plan for world evangelism. A missions conference is one of the few opportunities in which various missionaries can present their burden and the church sees the need, gets to know the missionary families, and understands where their financial support is being invested.

Making your Marriage Great Again

Jeffrey and Mindy Bush served as missionaries in Argentina for eight years before Jeffrey became the Director of Vision Baptist Missions in Alpharetta, Georgia. While in Argentina, God allowed Jeffrey to counsel many marriages personally and publicly through the radio and church ministries. He has seen how marriage problems have destroyed homes, brought missionaries home from the mission field and caused many to struggle through life. Having a good marriage is vital to having a good life. His hope is that this book will encourage, strengthen, and help marriages.

Leadership Opposite

The Bible is the most accurate and proven Book of all times. It is in the Bible where we find out about life, work, marriage, friendship, money, and love. God teaches about every subject, and leadership is certainly one. We see leadership taught clearly by way of principle, command, and example. Yet God’s way of doing things is not always how we would guess or imagine. In God’s economy, to be greatest is to be servant, to live is to die, to receive is to give… seems opposite of what we would think in our finite minds. In Leadership Opposite, you will discover what may seem to go against the grain of normal leadership, but these tried and proven principles are God’s way to lead.

Basic Etiquette for Leaders in Ministry

God makes a big deal of how we treat others. God’s Word is full of commandments on preferring one another, loving one another, serving one another, honoring one another, helping one another, and thinking of others. Etiquette is the Golden Rule, doing unto others what you would want them to do unto you (Matthew 7:12). As we relate to the people around us, we should so do with the most respect. This book is laid out in such a way as to represent a normal day: walking through the rooms of your house, the workplace, church, and just out and about. I hope this will serve as a kind reminder to show others that they truly do matter to you.