Addictions Book Review by Jeff Bush

By Edward T. Welch 

  • Many decisions boil down to one simple question: “Will you please God or please yourself?” 
  • Your theology, what you believe about God, will affect how are you think and deal with addictions.
  • Do you behave differently in private than you do in public? If so, you are believing that there’s some places you can go to hide from God where He does not see you. If so, you have issues with your practical theology.
  • Everything we need for life and godliness comes through Jesus Christ. Our freedom is not through a program, but through the person of Jesus Christ. 
  • God teaches that sin leads to slavery. You must realize it is not sickness, it is sin. All sin is against God. 
  • Addictions are a lordship problem — who sits as lord of your life. 
  • What starts out with few consequences will soon bring very painful consequences. 
  • The sin of addiction can be equated to idolatry. God doesn’t want His children to have other gods — nothing is to be more important than our God. 
  • The descent of addictions is a problem of worship.
  • You should learn to value the rebuke of a friend as a blessing.
  • Being rebuked is not the same as being critically judged. 
  • Are you more troubled about the consequences of being found out or the sin itself?
  • We pray that God would remove our cravings, but we should pray that God would make us fulfilled and satisfied in Him. 
  • Addiction comes from the heart. 
  • Addictions thrive on deception, on lies. God loves truth, and lies go against God. 
  • At the core of addictions is the thought that God is holding out on you. 

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