A Missionary Heart and a Missionary Life Book Review by Jeff Bush

By Zacharias Tanee Fomum 

  • Jesus did not say to only make disciples where we are. 
  • The command and the commission is to make disciples in all the earth. 
  • The Lord did not ask that we go and make religious people, or denominations, He said, go make disciples of Him. 
  • A missionary comes from the heart of prayer. 
  • A Missionary must be a pioneer because when he arrives to the field, he does the work of a pastor, evangelist, and teacher. 
  • The heart and life of a missionary must be found in God, because God is a missionary God. 
  • Many have heard the call of the Lord upon their life, but they have doubted it and some have rejected it.
  • God’s command to His disciples to go into all the world means His salvation is available to all the world.
  • A missionary’s job is not complete until he makes a disciple into a disciple maker.
  • The mission field is not for everyone, but God will maintain those whom He calls.
  • We should not just live our lives as we want — we are duty-bound.
  • God’s missionary empire is the earth, and He has made sufficient provision for all those that are sent throughout His empire.
  • You cannot go to the mission field without leaving. Leaving your father’s house is a must to follow Christ.
  • You are not going to the mission field as a citizen from your country, you are going as an ambassador for Christ.
  • What God calls us to is much greater than what we leave.
  • Weaklings pull each other down; strong people pull each other up. This is the heart of a missionary.
  • The call comes from God, and the answer comes from man.
  • Our Lord renounced all to come to earth for us, and a missionary should renounce all to go share the gospel.
  • A missionary should be a person who has history with God — one in His Word, knows His Word, and can use His Word.
  • The missionary’s life should be rooted in self-denial.
  • The moment you choose a mate, you set your future ministry a flame or you bury it.
  • Because our God spared not His only begotten Son, we should not spare anything of our lives for Him.
  • The missionary should pray, pray, pray, and then he should evangelize, evangelize, evangelize.
  • Leadership is a life sacrificed for others.
  • Prayer is the fastest way to the heart of God. Those that are and will be used of God are those that pray.

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