By Stan Toler
- Always say less than you think.
- People may forget what you say but not how you say it and how you make them feel.
- Let others know you appreciate and believe in them.
- You can express humility through words.
- A sincere apology can go a long way.
- Your words have value, can add value, and can diminish value.
- Words mean less because of the volume. Make your words count, and say less.
- Spend your words frugally.
- If you want to assure others of their importance, then keep your mouth shut and listen.
- Listen with your eyes.
- Show you care by asking the right questions.
- Focus your thinking so you’ll say the right words.
- The right word at the right time is as different as lightning is from the lightning bug.
- Kindness makes the difference.
- It’s sad when someone uses up their kindness at work and has none left over for their family.
- There are times that the best answer is silence.
- If you have nothing to say, don’t feel obligated to say anything.
- We don’t learn by talking.
- A positive attitude produces words.
- It’s hard for some to compliment because they’re so use to insulting.
- Everyone likes to be affirmed.
- Rumors are easy to start but difficult to stop. Hold your tongue.
- Needless arguments are a waste of time.
- Eliminate insults and innuendos.