Achieve Any Goal Book Review by Jeff Bush

by Brian Tracy

  • Goals in writing are dreams with deadlines. 
  • The intensity of your desire determines how much energy you put behind it. 
  • Organizing your values and priorities will help you with your goals. 
  • Belief is the catalyst that activates your mental powers. 
  • Change your thinking, and you will change your life. 
  • Act your way into feeling instead of feeling your way into acting. 
  • Your beliefs are manifested in the words you use. 
  • A goal that is not in writing is not a goal at all. 
  • Have a deadline for your goal, and break it down into sub-deadlines. 
  • The three keys to accomplishing your goals are: 
          1. Commitment 
          2. Completion
          3. Closure
  • If you measure a goal, you can manage it.
  • You become what you think about. 
  • Successful people think about solutions while unsuccessful people think about the problems and obstacles. 
  • The main obstacles on the path to success are fear and doubt. 
  • Most fear comes from ignorance. 
  • Knowledge is accumulative. 
  • The person who hears an idea and takes action on it accomplishes more than the person who hears or has a hundred ideas and does nothing about about it. 
  • The act of taking the first step is what separates the winners from the losers.
  • Planning is the key to success.
  • Develop good habits and make them your master.
  • You will inevitably find setbacks on the way to your goal. You must determine you will be persistent and reach your goal. 
  • There is a direct relationship between the things you accomplish and the things you attempt. 

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