King Makers – Part 2 of 2

Part 2 of 2 -. Barnabus

Barnabus sought out people to make them leaders. Paul and John Mark are the two examples we are going to use as we see how Barnabus helped them.

If we are going to be a king maker, there are a few things from Barnabus’ life that we must do:

  1. You Have to Take a Risk

Persecution has hit and everyone had left Jerusalem except for the apostles.

If you are going to make kings, you must be willing to take a risk. You might not be sure if a person will turn out good, but you must be willing to take a risk. If one fails, you must still be willing to take a risk with helping someone else.

  1. You must Have a Good Eye and a Glad Heart

Acts 11:23 says that when he saw the grace of God he was glad.

The person that is going to be a king maker needs to constantly be watching for potential people and when that person does a good job, rejoice and be glad for them, not jealous of them.

  1. You Have to be Humble and Self-less

After Barnabus finds Saul, the next four times the Scripture says “Barnabus and Saul”, but soon it begins to say “Barnabus and Saul” and in Acts 13:9, 13, Barnubus is not even mentioned. As Barnabus, you must be humble and selfless to be a king maker. Barnabus didn’t get mad and say, “I’m going home”.

If you are going to build leaders on the field, you must be willing to take the back seat. Barnabus didn’t leave but let Paul lead… and so must every king maker do.

  1. You Have to be Patient with the Failures of Others

After John Mark, the nephew of Barnabus, turned back from the missionary journey and when Paul says let’s go, Barnabus again wants to take John Mark (Acts 15:36-40). Paul was against taking John Mark but Barnabus was patient with him and took him under the same wing that he previously did Paul. The same love that Barnabus had with Paul that has become a success, he now has with John Mark who is currently a failure. Later, in II Timothy 4:11, Paul requests that John Mark returns and says “he is profitable to me for the ministry”. The same Barnabus that helped form Paul into a success has repeated the same procedure with John Mark… with much patience. And everyone who wants to be a king maker must learn to be patient!

  1. You Have to be Free from Materialism

In Acts 4:34-36, we see that Barnabus owned property but sold it and gave the money to God’s work. It was very evident that he was dead to materialism and that God’s work was more important to him than material possessions. He was free of materialism, they made no difference to him. It is apparent that he was more interested in building leaders than owning or obtaining possessions.

In I Corinthians 9:19, 23, Paul says that he has right to have a salary, money, but that was not important to him.

You don’t go to the mission field or work in the ministry because of conveniences. All we do is for the Gospel’s sake. We may have the right to have or do things, but remember we do what we do for the Gospel’s sake. If your are going to be a king leader and prepare leaders, you must forget about materialism and do all you do for the Gospel’s sake.

Here to Serve,

Jeff Bush

General Director of Vision Baptist Missions

King Makers – Part 1 of 2

Part 1 of 2 – Jonathan

Think about the two characters presented in this passage: Jonathan and David. Jonathan is the son of a king, but David is a son of a shepherd boy. Jonathan was respected by everyone, David was ridiculed by his own brothers. And yet it is Jonathan that makes a covenant with David.  In I Samuel 18:4, Jonathan took off his robe and placed it on David.  Jonathan knew that David was the next king. He might not have known how, but he knew David was going to be the next king… but he still took off his robe and gave it to David. By giving his robe to David, he is revering and respecting David. Jonathan took off his own authority and chance of being next in line for king and gave it to David.

In the same way, the missionary is to work with the people on his field. The missionary is the one who feels called, raised his money to get to the field, prepared and prayed, yet his responsibility is not be the “hope” for his country but put others in the spotlight. The missionary is not a king, he is a king-maker. The missionary is to take off his robe of prestige or importance and give it to others who will be known for being a great preacher, soul-winner, counselor and man of God.  The missionary is to take off our authority and to give it to others.

Jonathan first gave David the robe, but he followed up by giving him the garments: the sword, bow and girdle – everything he needed to be a king.

The missionary is to take off his robe and give it to the national pastor (the authority), but the missionary also is needs to give him everything else the pastor or leader needs to be a good pastor and leader. The missionary is not to just say, “he’s the pastor”, but to help him be a successful pastor and have all the material and tools needed to be the best possible. The missionary is to step aside and lower himself just as Jonathan did to David.

To step aside is probably the hardest thing to do as a missionary, but it is what needs to be done. Remember that a missionary must understand that he is not a king rather a king maker! Everyone likes to be noticed but we must remember that its not about us, it’s about our King, the King of kings. Our arrogance doesn’t want to say that someone else can do it better than we can, but a missionary must understand that in order to have a Biblical as well as flourishing ministry, he must step aside. A missionary must understand that he is not a king rather a king maker!

Here to Serve,

Jeff Bush

General Director of Vision Baptist Missions