
Missions Conference Manual

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The only prayer request that our Lord Jesus Christ expressed when He was on this earth was for more laborers (Matthew 9:37-38). We are living in the last days. The world has a larger population than ever. Many good missionaries are retiring, and we are in dire need of more laborers to get to the mission field before our Lord’s soon return.

A study shows that a large percentage of missionaries serving today surrendered their lives to be missionaries during their church’s missions conference. A missions conference is more than just raising prayer and financial support; it is challenging for others to get involved in God’s plan for world evangelism. A missions conference is one of the few opportunities in which multiple missionaries can be simultaneously presenting under one roof while the congregation feels the burden, gets to know the families and understands where their financial support is being invested.

And yet today more churches are ceasing to have missions conferences because it is not attracting. I have no intention to make anyone feel less, but I do want to whet your appetite to hold a vibrant and successful missions conference. This small booklet offers suggestions, ideas, and tools on how to have the best missions conference ever. Not every idea can be used in one single missions conference, but my hope is to encourage and help local churches to plan and hold a great missions conference.

