Today’s All-Star Mission Churches

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Today’s All-Star Mission Churches

by Tom Telford


Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church, the glory of God is the ultimate goal of the church.

Missions is pen-ultimate; worship is ultimate.

Isaiah 12:4; Ecclesiastes 3:11

III John 6 – there’s a big difference between a church that has missionaries in a church that sends missionaries. These missionaries should be grown and identified by the church.

I often tell young people that if they are called to stay in America, then they need to ask themselves where in the world they need to go to find more worshipers for God’s glory.

Philippians 4:10–19 and I Corinthians 8:1–15 – Genuine missionary care.

Ways to help missionaries: communication. Hospitality. Prayer. Small groups. Short-term teams. Special field visits. Pastors visits. Accountability. Retreats – tuneup spiritually. Individual lies care – make Missionary feel loved and remembered.

A quarterly report – update from missionaries. Four categories: personal spiritual information. Interpersonal and family information. Ministry information. Praise and prayer request.

Some must in church for missions: it’s a must that you share everything. It’s a must that you take care of your own. It’s a must that the church to do missions education – teens missions conference in children’s missions conference – three missions conference at the same time. It’s a must that the church family show hospitality to missionaries. It’s an absolute must that the pastor be the key. It’s a must that missionaries report. It’s a must that all missionaries have access to the pastor and spend planned time with him when they are home. It’s a must that the missionaries art listened to. The must that missionaries be properly prepared in the personal life. It’s a must that missionaries be sent out in teams.

Ideas for mobilizing kids for missions: start a missions library for kids. Use the missions P word – (purpose, Power, people, people moving, passport to the world, preparation, possessions, projects, partnership, proclamation). Launch missions prayer for kids. Start a monthly mention missions emphasis in Sunday school, children’s church, or midweek boys and girls program.

I remember speaking one afternoon to a large gathering of retired and senior missionaries. I asked them to tell us that what age they felt the call of God to become a missionary. The typical age was eight years old!

What kind of an impact would happen around the world if everyone of our thousands of churches would send out just one missionary from their congregation.

The pastor is the leader and promoter. Every member is asked to consider short-term missions trip opportunities. The churches annual international missions festival energizes leadership. Church member ownership is encouraged.

Mobilization of the American church is the most strategic thing we can do admissions. – Ralph Winter

Send us people with initiative, who can carry themselves and others too; such as need to be carried hamper the work and weaken those who should be spending their strength for the heathen. Weaklings should be nursed at home! If any have jealousy, pride, or talebearing traits lurking about them, do not send them, nor any who are prone to criticize. Send only Pauls and Timothys; men who are full of zeal, holiness and power. All others are hindrances. If you send us ten such men the work will be done. Quantity is nothing; quality is what matters.– by C.T. Studd written from the Congo.

Criteria for an all star missions Church:

1. The church must have an outward focus and strategy.

2. At least 30% of the churches budget must go to missions.

3. The church must have enough ongoing training program for missionary candidates.

4. Missions education must be integrated into all the program of the church.

5. The church must send its own people.

6. The church must be concerned about and pray for the lost.

7. The church must have a pastor who leads them in vision and outreach.

8. The church must be interested in helping other churches in missions.

9. The church must have a strong evangelism program and it’s community.

Missions is a matter of life and death for the local church. – Dr. Robert Torrey

If we spent less time recruiting and more time training, there would be less failure on the field. There is a high-cost in not sending the right people.

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