The Coaching Habit

The Coaching Habit

by Michael Stanier


– Coaching should be a daily, informal event not a rare, formal event that is announced.

– Coaching lies within building and helping others.

– Theory is no good if you do not know how to put it into practice.

– Ask just one question and then keep quiet and listen so they can respond.

– Small talk might be a way to start up, but it rarely leads to a good conversation piece.

– Be careful not to coach for performance but for development.

– If you know what questions to ask, get straight to the point.

– Instead of warming up or waiting around hoping to get to the point, just ask the question and then shut up and listen to what the person has to say.

– Tell less and ask more.

– Ask one more time. We tend to not ask enough, so for clarity sake, make sure to ask one more time.

– Learn to say “and what else”.

– Do not ask a rhetorical question, ask a real question.

– Begin with “what’s on your mind?”

– The reasonable man adapts himself to the world, the unreasonable man tries to adapt the world to himself. Therefore it is the unreasonable man that makes the progress.

– Commit more slowly by not saying yes or no so quickly. Listen and ask questions.

– When you have to say no, make sure it is clear that you’re saying no to the task and not note to the person.

– There are book ends to a good conversation when coaching someone: “what’s on your mind” to start and “what was most helpful to you” to finish.

– Add more curiosity. A little less advice and a lot more of curiosity will get you further.

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