Faith Promise for World Witness

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Faith Promise for World Witness

By Norm Lewis


Could a Mariner sit idle

if he heard the drowning cry?

Could a doctor sit in comfort

and just let his patients die?

Could a fireman sit idle,

let men in burn and give no hand?

Can you sit at ease in Zion,

With the world around you damned? – Leonard Ravenhill

Do Christians really care? Do you? If so, the faith promise plan may be part of your answer.

II Cor. 10:16

Ask yourself, how important is world evangelization? To God? To you? To me?

The grain that is not reaped will rot!

Men and money – both must be produced in huge supply.

Few things stir the hearts of people as much as seeing those from their own congregation dedicate themselves to the active doing of God’s will. As the plan aids in realizing such results, it is profitable to any church.

Love for Christ and for the lost should guide our giving.

Motivating people to trust God is a duty and a privilege.

Faith promise is wholly voluntary.

When Christians put their shoulders to the wheel to share Christ with all men everywhere, giving to local needs also increases. Thus the faith promise plan greatly benefits the whole church program.

A pledge generally emphasizes the horizontal relationship between the giver and his church. A faith promise emphasizes the vertical relationship between the giver and his God. A pledge is usually considered to be a legal and obligatory contract, but faith promise is not. Statements or dunning letters are never sent.

The Faith promise plan is of benefit to all believers of all ages. Its emphasis encourages young people to yield their lives for His service.

A common shortcoming of Christians in the United States is that they consume the full loaf of gospel bread at home while sending only bits and crumbs abroad.

Let us give priority to completing Gods discipling plan around the world using the faith promise plan.

The pastor is the first key to the faith promise plans success.

Pour time, effort and prayer into people who are moving with God.

Faith promise seems to have been initiated by AB Simpson in his missionary conferences in the 1880s.

God’s plan is for churches to produce, send and support missionaries during this age of grace. The work must not cease until the trumpet signals Christ second coming.

Faith promise emphasizes: the importance of people. The purpose of giving. Giving for love of Christ. Willing giving. Weekly giving. Face centrality. Spiritual substance. God. Dependence upon Christ. Christ coming kingdom, …

Occupying till Christ comes. John 10:16; I Corinthians 12:27; Colossians 1:18; Revelation 5:9; Matthew 25:6; Mark 13:10

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