Do you have a Coach?

A big mistake we make many times in ministry is that we think we know enough or have learned enough to be successful. It is interesting that the best sports players out there (Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, etc.) all have a coach and realize they need a coach, yet us “average” guys think we are ok. A coach is one who instructs you, tells you how to improve, corrects you when you are not doing it the best way, etc. Yes, professional players have natural talent but they also know that it can and must be perfected; they need someone to “coach” them. Here are a few thoughts if you are going to become good at what you do or want to do:

  1. You must be coachable. Realize you do not know everything. How do you receive correction? Pride can stop you from being better at what you do.
  2. Realize that your coach is looking out for the best for you. A mentor or coach is going to help you see areas you do not see, angles you never thought of, being better at what you do. Be smart and allow someone to help coach you – and realize that they are/will be looking out for the best for you. Don’t allow the immature attitude that “they are trying to hold me back” – this is an enemy that will definitely hold you back!
  3. Take advantage of the coaches you have in your life – all of us have coaches in our lives if we would just look around – parents, pastors, friends, spiritual leaders, etc.
  4. Learn to ask for help – You are not being a baby if you ask for help; it is smart to ask for help. Swallow your pride and ask for help. Most coaches are free and willing to help, so go find one or more and ask him/her to help you to become better at whatever you are doing.

The principle of coaching is not only needed in the world of sports or business world, it is also needed in the spiritual realm (missions, pastoral, youth, SS class teacher, etc.). One of the greatest failures I have seen to a new missionary is not having a coach – someone to show him what to do and not to do. The common thought is that after so many years you will learn, but bad habit + bad habit = many bad habits. If someone is not corrected, he will soon be stuck in a rut of doing things wrong. While it may feel good to have someone say, “Great message!” or “Looks like you are doing a great work!”, it only builds the ego, it doesn’t make you a better preacher or teacher or missionary. A coach may say, “Good job!”, but he will follow up with a lesson of what needs to be corrected, , changed or improved. I challenge you to find a coach and become a better worker!

Here to Serve,

Jeff Bush

Director of Vision Baptist Missions

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