King Me

King Me: What Every Son Wants and Needs from His Father: Steve ...

King Me

by Steve Farrar 

– God has called on men to mentor their son’s, not on moms to mentor their sons.

– It might be hard for a father not to have a son, but it is much harder on a son to not have a father. Boys need their dads in their lives!

– A dad has no higher calling in life than to shape his son into a man.

– Boys need a dad that is faithful to his wife, doesn’t look at porn, and won’t cut out when things get tough.

– Your son is listening when you don’t think he is and he is always watching you. He needs a good example!

– No matter what stage of life or age your son is, you can always decide to do what is right and use your influence like you should.

– You will mess up, no doubt about it, but when you mess up, be big enough to get it right. Ask God to forgive you and help you, and be willing to confess and ask forgiveness from your son as well.

– Give your son the structure and discipline that he needs to become a man.

– You have to purposefully take time with your son so that you can hear the inside beats and thoughts of his heart.

– What the blacksmith is to the sword, the father is to the son. He must sharpen and mold him.

– If your son never has a healthy fear of you, he will never have a healthy fear of God. Whether you like it or not, you are your sons instinctive image of God.

– How can a boy learn to be a man if he’s always around women and never around a man.


– A son needs:

1. Purpose — God has created him for a purpose. In his uniqueness, God has a purpose for him. Help him discover his God-given gifts (what he likes, what he is good at and what others can see he’s good at).

2. Plan —

3. Patience — maybe to find his gifts, to do right, etc.

4. Path — it is your job as a dad to teach and give God’s Word to your son. God‘s Word will teach him all he needs to know to get through life. It is your job to make sure he hears the truth to know how to navigate in this world.

5. Prepared for Potential — 1 Kings 2:2-3. – You have to talk to your son about sex:


• Sexual openness and struggle is very real and you have to help your son before the devil gets him.

1. Talk to him early and wisely — talk to him before others do.

2. Talk to him honestly — about his thought life, self control, and real temptations.

3. Talk to him often — talk about what’s happening in life. – Every father mentors his son, just not always for the right things.


Jumpstart Your Leadership

JumpStart Your Leadership: A 90-Day Improvement Plan: Maxwell ...

Jumpstart Your Leadership

by John Maxwell


– Every leader has potential to improve.

– Every leader must prove himself with little before he’s given much. When you do that, you gain leadership, not just position.

– Leadership is much more about who you are then it is about what you do.

– Good leaders know who they are, their strengths and their weaknesses.

– Integrity is the core of leadership. Knowing your values and living by them will make you a better leader.

– It’s not what you do every once in a while but what you do day by day that makes the difference.

– Become the kind of leader that people will follow voluntarily, a leader with or without a position.

– Leadership is action, not position. It is taking people somewhere.

– Leadership is about working with people, so always work on improving your people skills.

– Nearly everyone can handle adversity, but if you want to test someone, give them power.

– Abraham Lincoln – Just because you have the right to do something as a leader does not mean you should do it.

– People quit people; not companies or organizations.

– Leadership is the capability of turning vision into reality.

– Leaders are initiators.

– If you want to change the world, first start with yourself.

– A title or position is not the goal for a leader, it is just the beginning on their leadership journey.

– A leader realizes that he must develop people because people are the ones who get things done, not rules, play books or machines.

– A good leader understands that he does not know everything, but he can put people around him that you understand every situation.

– Good leaders are accessible to others.

– You could lead people without caring for them but you cannot care for people without effectively leading them.

– You have to decide if you want to help people or make people happy. But realize that you can never please everyone, so if you’re going to help them, it will not be by always making them happy.

– Remember that if you step on people’s fingers on the way climbing up, they may trip you on your way back down — treat people with respect.

– People have to be able to trust you if they’re going to work with you.

– Liking and caring about people are essential to leading people, it is your choice to like and care for them. Find something good and positive about every person.

– Leaders who build people understand that problems are a part of progress.

– The first person that you must always examine in leadership is yourself.

– Listen, learn and then lead. Don’t go the opposite way around.

– To be a good leader knowing what to do is not enough.

– Do you know what the people you are leading want to accomplish? It is hard to relate to others if you do not know what their goals and ambitions are.

– A leader can avoid crossing over the line from motivation to manipulation by simply practicing the golden rule — do unto others as you want them to do to you.

– Kind words can be short and sweet, but their echoes will go on for many years.

– As a leader, you have great opportunities to lift up and encourage others, so use those opportunities.

– If you become the chief encourager of your organization, people will work hard to live up to your expectations.

– As a leader it is your responsibility to help those that are doing poorly to do better and those that are doing good to do their best.

– Care plus candor is what is needed to help others. Never try to correct or instruct someone without having their best interest in mind.

– A leader has to have an open door policy if he is going to help people.

– If you’re going to be open and blunt with other people, you have to be willing for them to be open and blunt with you at times.

– You can dream up anything in the world, but it takes people to make it a reality.

– Instead of worrying if people will buy into your vision, you should worry about people buying into you.

– A leader takes people where they want to go, but a great leader will take people where they need to go although don’t necessarily want to go.

– Good leaders take people where they want to go instead of just showing them the way — they are more like tour guides instead of travel agents.

– Having talented players on your team is good, but it does not mean that you will win. People have to learn to get along and play as a team.

– Success is an uphill journey.

– If you’re going to be a leader, one of the key elements is that you have to learn to make difficult decisions.

– Learn to give away credit to as many people as you can.

– Good leaders don’t ever take anything for granted, they explain instead of assume.

– To be a great leader, you must not only get things done, but the right things done.

– As a leader you must not only find your own strengths, but help others find their strengths as well.

– Progress requires change, and very few people like change.

– People resist that which is forced upon them, but they accept that which they helped create.

– Good leaders keep pushing, they don’t just gain momentum and then sit back and coast.

– Leaders know that it is their responsibility to create more leaders, not more followers.

– Great leaders develop the people under and around them.

– Commit to making others better. Companies and organizations get better when the people that work in them get better.

– Model with integrity.


Integrity: The Courage to Meet the Demands of Reality: Henry Cloud ...


by Henry Cloud


– Who a person is will determine what they are able to do.

– Lack of character will stop you from reaching your potential, or it will let you rise to the top and then fall.

– A business may be good, but without the right leader, it’s not going far.

– You have to have people’s trust in order to work with them.

– Successful people don’t worry about fault; they accept it instead of shifting blame.

– Have a character of being instead of doing.

– You can’t let what others think about you control you.

– Non-confronters leave a mess in the wake and do not get problems solved.

– Not confronting a problem is a bad choice, but confronting a problem poorly is a bad choice as well.

– Anything of value is going to cost you something.

– Most people have anorexic growth, you have to intentionally decide to grow.

– Growth requires risk. Risk is moving from structure. It is an expression that successful people are not afraid to take.

– Being too tight (or cheap) to grow is like a farmer not willing to buy seed or fertilizer.

– Are you God or not? That seems like a simple question that almost everyone can answer correctly. But while most people would say they are not, they walk around acting as if they are — everyone has to serve them and do as they wish.

– Are you willing to deny yourself for the greater cause?

– Men who are prepared in the area of leadership are not always prepared in the area of their personal life.

– We all have talents but we also all have weaknesses and dysfunctions.

– We all have to swallow our pride at times.

How to Slay the Dragon of Lust

How to Slay the Dragon of Lust (For Men Only) by Chip Ingram on ...

How to Slay the Dragon of Lust

by Chip Ingram


– Here are five bedrock facts about sexual purity:

1. You are not alone in your struggles.

2. There is hope for you today.

3. The problem is in our mind.

4. Ignorance will kill you. Just trying harder, or will-power, is not enough.

5. You will never make it on your own. Thinking you can do it yourself… you can’t. You need help, specifically God’s help.


– Temptation is not wrong, because they find us no matter where we are, but it becomes wrong when you move from the obvious temptation to fantasizing lustful thoughts.

– The goal of temptation is to destroy you.

– You cannot play with temptation and sexual thoughts because they will destroy you.

– The goal of temptation always casts doubt on God

– Does God really know best? Did God really said that?

– The best sex is sex within marriage bounds, that’s how God intended it to be.

– You are most susceptible when you think that it could not happen to you.

– Temptations are universal

– 1 Corinthians 10:13. We think we are the only one like that: if you understood my background. I have more testosterone than most people. I have a stronger sex drive. It’s the way women dress. Or other various excuses.

– Temptations are not bigger than God‘s faithfulness – 1 Corinthians 10:13. When I am faithless and cave-in, God is still faithful (2 Timothy 2:13).

His Needs, Her Needs

His Needs, Her Needs--Revised and Expanded: Willard F. Harley Jr ...

His Needs, Her Needs

by Willard F. Harley, Jr.


– How affair-proof is your marriage?

– One spouse’s needs are not necessarily the other spouse’s needs.

– Getting coaching from your wife is what a smart man does — if she feels like holding hands in public, a small kiss, hug when you see her, or whatever makes her feel cherished, then do that. Ask your wife in order to become a better husband.

– Too many wives are starving for affection because their husband does not understand what she considers affectionate. Find out.

– When a man will learn to be affectionate with his wife, he will find out that both his and her sex lives will be more fulfilling.

– Luke 6:31 — use the golden rule in your marriage; treat your spouse like you want to be treated.

– Couples that have a good and happy marriage purposefully schedule time together for each other.

– The first step in any affair is usually affectionate conversation (intimate conversation). Husbands must take their job as a communicator seriously.

– There are enemies to intimate conversation:

1. Making demands instead of requests

2. Being disrespectful

3. Expressing anger

4. Dwelling on mistakes, past or present


– There are friends of intimate conversation:

1. Conversing to inform, investigate and understand.

2. Develop an interest in your spouse’s favorite topic of conversation. You may feel that your spouse is not a talker, but if you begin talking about your spouse’s interest, they will come out of their shell.

3. Balance the conversation. Unless you’re both a good listener and a good talker, it’s not intimate conversation.

4. Give each other undivided attention. Watching TV, looking at a device or simply not paying attention, will greatly frustrate your spouse.

– Spouses that enjoy the same recreational activities have a deeper bond.

– Transparency should be one of the key elements in every marriage. Many people say that each individual needs their own privacy, but if you expect to have a good and healthy marriage, you must be open and transparent in every area.

– Openness and honesty is always the best policy in marriage. Some people are afraid that their honesty of the past or future may hurt their spouse, but this honesty is what hurts a spouse, honesty.

– Child training does not come natural to a dad, but one of the best ways to learn this is to ask your wife.

– A man thrives on admiration.

– Criticism is the opposite of admiration.

– Praise and admiration should never be fake.

– Many men that had an affair have expressed to the author that their new lover admired them and their spouse did not.

– Spouses that are partners with life no secrets and are open about everything (emails, texts, passwords, schedules, friends, etc.).

– A couple can go from being irresistible towards each other to being incompatible to each other by leaving off each other’s basic needs.

– Secrets are the step stones to an affair. Decide that there will be no secrets in your marriage. Radical honesty, openness and transparency are best. Genesis 2:28 says they were both naked and unashamed — they had nothing to hide.

Hero Hero: Being the Strong Father Your Children Need eBook ...


by Meg Meeker, M.D.


– Dad is the hero of his children and when he is not there, the children will suffer.

– The key question is not how much the father makes or how many flaws he has, the difference maker is how much dad is involved in the children’s lives.


– How you, dad, can be the hero at home:

1. Be tough enough to bear the weight of family burdens. Be the man that steps up at home.

2. Reduce the friction. Men are problem solvers, so work at reducing the tension or friction at home.

3. Act on your highest beliefs. You have a vision in your mind of what a good dad looks like — it may be your dad, another man or something that you have made up, but you have an ideal picture of what he is to do and look like. Be that man.


– A dad is a child’s hero and within a dad is to be that hero. Not their teacher, their coach or someone else, but their dad is their hero.

– Kids want their dad’s approval more than anything else in life. They want us to meet the standard that you set for them because you will always be their dad.

– Children mimic.

– As a father, everything you do casts a giant shadow.

– You cannot change the past, but your decisions for now and the future urge you to be the greatest dad your children need and want.

– Every minute you spend with your children is like time multiplied. As a father, you have the magic to make time stand still. Your 15 minutes a week of playing with your children may seem like one hour every day in their mind.

– Live like a hero. To a young child, you don’t have to measure up to be their hero, you already are. So live out what you are in their eyes.

– What is going on inside of a teen is usually seen in their behavior. When they lash out at, don’t yell back, be patient with them.

– Man equivalent their lives with their jobs; but their greatest responsibility is not their job but their role as a father.

– Moral integrity and courage are of upmost importance in the life of a father.

– Teaching character to your children is much more important than all of the accomplishments they make as a good sports player, student with good grades, etc.

– Character and discipline is much better than winning a game or being recognized.

– Good leaders stand for what’s right no matter what others think. As a dad, don’t fear telling your kids they have had enough screen time, not wear a specific outfit, not to hang around those friends, etc.

– Do not be afraid to teach your children rules: it is wrong to be lazy, it is wrong to steal, it is right to respect others, it is right to tell the truth, it is wrong to harm your body, it is right to help others, etc.


– Lead your family sacrificially:

• Instead of going out with your buddies, take your family out.

• Instead of buying that new gadget, invest in savings for your children.

• Instead of relaxing yourself, take your family to the park.

• Instead of being stingy or using it on yourself, let your children see you give money at church and to others.

– If you did not have a good dad growing up, you know what to avoid. If you had a good dad growing up, you know what to emulate. Either way, within every man there is the possibility, placed by God, of being a good father.


– Children need their fathers to answer three main questions:

1. Dad, how do you feel about me?

• Don’t ever assume that they know you love them, express your love constantly.

• Teach your children that they are loved, they will have self-confidence and go places in life.

• Put your phone or computer to the side and look at your children in the eyes and talk to them.

2. Say something.

• Many men are hesitant to say, “I love you” because their fathers did not say it, but you need to get those words out — they are very impactful.

• No matter what the age is, the need for dad’s affirmation is always there.

• Praise your children, but make sure it is honest and real. Kids see through fakeness.

• Praise their character, not just what they do. Kids want to know that you really love them, not just for what they can do.

• Take advantage of failures — when your kids feel like they are filled in a certain area, that’s when you can jump in and tell them how you still believe in them, love them and no they can do it.

3. Dad, what do you hope for me?

• Be careful how you behave, because your sons will want to be like you and daughters want to marry a guy like you.

• Talk about their future in specific ways — where they will be living, will they marry, what they will be doing, etc.

• Dream with them. Don’t live out your dream through them, let them have their own dream.

• Being a good dad has hardly nothing to do with the inheritance you can leave, the college you will pay for, etc. It has to do with you believing in them and giving them hope.

– Play with your kids.

• When a dad is present, so many bad things are avoided and so many good things happen in the heart and life of a child.

– Pray with your kids.

• When you pray with children, it gives them a sense of security.

• Children are born with a faith that there is a God.

• Praying shows your children that even their strong dad needs to get on his knees to talk to God.

• Nothing will bring your family closer together than daily praying together.

– Be steady.

• Strive to be the voice of reason, dependable and faith.

– Be honest.

• If you want your children’s trust, you must be honest with them.

• Trust, integrity and truth are all part of being a hero.

• Don’t lie to your children, they should and need to know the truth.

• If you live a double life, when your kids find out, and they will find out, they will think that everything you have ever told them or did was all fake.

– Be firm.

• It might not be popular today to discipline, but you must be firm in your discipline.

• Too many people want to be friends with their children instead of the adult, but they need you as their dad.

• Being a disciplinarian has nothing to do with being harsh, cruel, critical or hurtful, it has to do with enforcing the rules that have been laid out in the family.

• In a study of men that were incarcerated, one of the common traits they had was that no one ever told them no. They did not have a disciplinarian, someone to put their foot down when needed.

• Give a bedtime, make them eat what is put before them, make them have chores and put this on in their lives.

• No matter what kids say, they need and want to feel protected.

– Stay committed

• Dads can be great teachers of what it means to be stay committed.

• You will not always feel like going to work, being nice, loving your wife or any number of things, but you must stay committed.

– As a father, our words have enormous impact. We might not realize it but our children and wife does. Your words are never just words to your children and wife, they have the power to hurt or heal, tear down or build up.

– We are all tempted to lash out and say things, but keeping your cool will help you not regret later the hurtful things that you said.

– Learn to be a master communicator with your children – use the “car” acronym:

C – correction. There are going to be times when you have to correct your children for things they did. If you are angry, you need to wait. Be firm and correct your children. Do not let anger control you and lash out your children.

A – Affirmation. Dads are pretty good at affirming their daughters but not their sons because they feel it is less need it — but this is not true. Children need to know that they are valuable to you and to God, so let them know. Tell them how you admire them, trust them, respect them and believe in them. Make eye contact. Speak less, listen more. Be available and be engaged.

R – Respect. If you want respect, you have to learn to show respect. No, there’s no excuse for a kid to lack respect to his parents, but there’s no excuse that a dad should lack respect to his wife or children either. Giving respect will gain and get respect.

– Say no takes courage, but it is right. You have to learn to say no to certain things even when children slam doors or get upset about it.

– What you say matters. If your child ever hears you, whether on the phone or to your spouse or to a friend, say anything negative about them (their figure, lack of ability, etc.), it will take them years to get over it.

– God does not force us to love him. He died for us, cares for us and watches over us, but He does not force us to love him. We as dad’s should do everything to love our children but let our children love us back instead of trying to force them to love us.

– Have courage. Courage to stay committed. Courage to live right. Courage to say I’m sorry when you have lost your temper or need to ask forgiveness for something. Learn the art of forgiveness. Ask it for yourself and give it to others.

– Identify whatever obstacles between you and becoming a better father. Whether they are a hobby, bad habit, fear, anger towards them or towards your spouse or whatever it may be, identify it and then work at overcoming it. Your kids need you.

– Being a hero dad does not mean that you get everything perfect right, it means that you get the big things right — that you are committed and courageous to love them and do what’s right.

Happy Wives Club

Happy Wives Club: One Woman's Worldwide Search for the Secrets of ...

Happy Wives Club

by Fawn Weaver


– There is such a thing as having a happy marriage.

– Movies, sitcom’s, magazines and society tells us otherwise, but marriage can be strong, fulfilling and happy.

– Hollywood and media seems to be fixed on divorce.

– Marriage should be your plan A & B and there should be no other plans.

– Once you say something, you cannot take it back, it will be in the brain forever.

– Laughing is an important ingredient to a good marriage.

– A good marriage doesn’t have perfect spouses rather imperfect ones who are working to consistently become better.

– Hanging around with people who badmouth their spouses will begin to cause you to look for defects and badmouth your spouse.

– Going to bed mad at your spouse is assuming that you will wake up the next day to continue the argument — but what a tragedy it would be if you don’t wake up together tomorrow.

– The key to a good marriage is not what you receive but what you give.

– Marriages that fail usually fail because they are self-focused, looking for their own happiness.

– You must give what you want — if you want respect, then give it, etc.

– Marriage changes when you have children, but it does not have to change for the worse.

– Love and mutual respect are two things those happily married for over 25 years have in common.

– Just because you go to church does not mean you will have a happy marriage, but becoming a stronger Christian will improve your marriage.

– Gratitude toward your spouse will change your marriage.

– You can care for your children and still keep your marriage as priority.

– Happiness in marriage is a choice.

– Here are the 12 things that happily married couples had in common, according to a survey by the author:

1. Respect

2. Trust

3. Belief in God

4. Laughter

5. Keep outside interests (hobby, sport, etc.)

6. Create a daily ritual

7. Date your spouse

8. Support your spouse

9. Friendship is essential

10. Nurture your marriage

11. No plan B

12. Choose your friends wisely

Grace Based Parenting

Grace Based Parenting: Set Your Family Free by Tim Kimmel ...

Grace Based Parenting

by Tim Kimmel


– Parenting is one of the greatest positions in the world.

– Good intentions are not enough when it comes to parenting.

– Many parents have the fear strategy for parenting — they are afraid or want to avoid the world, homosexuality, vices, bad propaganda, etc., and they focus on that as parents.

– Fear-based parenting will result in kids that will look clean but not necessarily love God. God teaches and commands us over and over throughout His Word to not fear.

– Another type of parenting is behavior moderation parenting. This is the assumption that the right environment and removal of bad influence will surely make a child turn out well.

– Another type of parenting is image-controlled parenting. This is parenting where you assume people will know how good of a Christian you are by the good church attendance, haircut, no bad movies, etc. Kids know when you are living by a checklist instead of letting God lead. There is nothing wrong with doing good things, but there is something wrong the motive being that others see you and think you’re good because of how your children act.

– Another type of parenting is high-controlled parenting. This is not simply teaching them to do right, but controlling everything that they do. This, many times, will result in toxic fear, toxic anger, toxic strength and much more. High-controlled parents are blind to their control because they justify why they do everything they do… so they cannot see how this is going to result in destruction.

– Another type of parenting is herd parenting. This is where parents follow the fads of what is popular. If sports are the thing, they go that way. If a certain activity, dress, church or whatever is what everyone is doing, that’s the way they herd their children.

– Another type of parenting is duct tape parenting. This is trying to fix every little problem and situation in life, making it the most important thing to do.

– Many parenting styles are based on fear because we have a flawed view of God.

– Judgmental parenting would be comparing to everyone else — “at least we’re not that bad.”

– Legalistic parenting is where we are always trying to win brownie points with God. But these parents always appear stressed out because of how busy they are trying to do good for God. This is the idea of you are bad, but keep trying and you may please God.

– Grace-based parenting is the best way to go. Kids do not live by a checklist. They love God and want to please God, so they examine things but are happy and free. They are not driven by guilt and feeling a need to do penance.

– Grace does not ignore boundaries or live however it wishes, but grace realizes it needs God and God’s help. Grace-based parenting is based on how God loves, lifts up and helps us although we do not need it. It loves in spite of forgives would need it.


– Your children’s three greatest needs are:


1. A Need for Security

• Kids want and need a security of love. They should not have to act a certain way, do something or fulfill in order to be loved. Regardless of their appearance, behavior, talents or strengths, they should always be loved. Kids need love.

• Saying that we love them is good, but it’s not enough. We must love them like Christ loves us. Love them when they are unappreciative, undeserving and unloving.

• This does not mean that we ignore their sin, disobedience or bad behavior. Just as God does not ignore our sin, so we do not ignore their’s, but we still love them in spite of.

• Pointing out where our children mess up, their flaws and their failures will lead to insecurity instead of secure love. We must be careful that our focus is not on the negative.

• Kids need to hear that their parents are proud of them, love them and want them. If they think that you’re never satisfied (you wish she was a boy instead of a girl, or they are a hindrance to your lives) they will live with that insecurity.

• Kids feel secure love when there is open and constant love and affection.


2. A Need for Significance

• Help your children know that they matter and help them to find purpose in life.

• They need to have a general purpose of fearing God and serving God. God has made every person in this world with a spiritual dimension. Every person needs God, including your children. They will be lost in this world without purpose and aim, unless they know God.

• Not only do they need to know God, but they also need a specific purpose. Help them know where and how they fit in. Help them find a talent or something they like to do or do well. Everyone has specific gifts, talents and interests they have been given by God.

• They also need relational purpose. God did not create us to be a hermit and live by ourselves. They need to learn how to relate to others and live in a world with other people.

• Help of them purpose by:

A. Affirmation — Children need to know that they are loved and accepted.

B. Attention — Kids need and want your attention as a parent. Our attention of the finer details show that we love them and care for them. Our God shows attention to the details of our lives, and we should do the same with our children.

C. Admonished — Children feel more secure when they are admonished. Rules, boundaries and guidelines should be set in place for your children.

• We are to teach our children discipline, but we are to model it as well in our ow lives — Hebrews 12:11.


3. A Need for Strength Grace-based homes are homes where kids have:

1. Freedom to be Different

• There are issues that are biblically wrong, but there are many issues that we dislike as parents yet they’re not necessarily wrong. Our children need freedom to be different and do things even though we might not do it like that.

2. Freedom to be Vulnerable

• Our children will have emotional struggles and will be immature, but we must be careful as parents not to overreact, under-react or just plain write them off. Give them room to learn things.

• We must be careful not to dismiss their concerns, thoughts or questions. God teaches us to take cast all our cares on Him. He might be a busy God with the bigger picture, but he lets us go to Him with our small problems. And we should treat our children like God treats us.

3. Freedom to be Candid

• Candid camera was a show where people got caught doing silly things that they would not do if they knew they were on camera. Your kids are going to act silly and express themselves, but they should not be criticized, mocked or ignored as a result. They should be welcomed to act like themselves at home.

4. Freedom to make Mistakes

• Kids are going to make mistakes. Quit believing that your kids will never mess up and realize that they will.

• When your children messes up, forgive them, kill the fatted calf and move on. Don’t try to relive those pains, forgive and move on.


– The Grace-based home is like the prodigal son’s father: he leave the porch light on because the grace is on the inside not the outside.

– Treat our children as God treats us, with Grace, and other areas we lack in will fall into place.