100 Ways To Motivate Others

100 Ways to Motivate Others, Third Edition: How Great Leaders Can ...

100 Ways To Motivate Others

by Steve Chandler


– The first step in motivating others is to realize that if there is a problem, and you are the problem.

– To lead people, you must go ahead of them.

– To learn more, you must be quiet.

– You can’t motivate others, you have to teach other people how to motivate themselves. Motivation comes within a person.

– Tune in before you turn on — don’t just tell people how to do things, show them.

– If someone will not hear you, you cannot help them. You must be liked by and listen to others so that they will listen to you.

– Keep giving feedback, people need feedback. The managers that have the hardest time leading people are those that give the least amount of feedback.

– Continue asking, evaluating and becoming better. Good leaders are continually trying to improve.

– The job of a leader is to keep their people cheered up and ready to play the game.

– Lead from the front. Inspire them by letting them see you do it, not just telling them to do it.

– Be what you want them to be. If you want them to dress sharper, then dress sharper yourself. If you want them to be on time, then be on time yourself. If you want them to be less moody, then be less moody yourself.

– Leaders create but managers react.

– Make things a game and challenge instead of tedious and hard.

– Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the confidence of their employers.

– Ask yourself what others have done to motivate you, then turn around and do that to others.


– Learn the ART of conflict:

• Appreciate the person for what they do and give specific qualities of why you appreciate about them.

• Restate your own commitment to the person.

• Track the existing agreement. Create or rebuild a new agreement for the person that you’re talking with. People break other people’s rules, but they will keep their own agreement.


– Leaders don’t create followers, they create other leaders.

– Anyone can lead a perfect person, but there are no perfect people.

– Good leaders make other people feel important. – Know your people’s strengths.

– A good leader doesn’t try to just be right, they try to understand the people and help the people understand.

– Ask yourself, “If you were being managed by someone, what would you need to know from your boss?” then do that.

– Do your employees know what you expect? Do they know what a goal for the team looks like?

– Motivate by doing. Doers figure out what needs to be done, finds the way to do it and then does it.

– Most leaders have the habit of mentioning what is wrong, but you should look and find what is right and mention that.

– Remember that you as the leader are setting the tone.

– Communication solves most problems.

– Leadership takes ownership of the problem or situation.

– Your attitude and energy will be contagious. A frightened captain will have a frightened crew.

– The less you quit, the more you motivate.

– Act enthusiastic and your people will be enthusiastic.

– Life is not about you, or what you want, it’s more about doing what you’re expected to do.

– To motivate, talk less and demonstrate more.

– When you are in a meeting, don’t try to multitask. Looking at your phone, computer or doing something else is not multitasking, it is rude.

– The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas.

– Quit disagreeing with people and listen to them. When you disagree with someone, they just defensive instead of getting on your side.

– You will have more fun when you stop trying to get what you want and start helping other people get what they want.

– Discipline yourself and no one else will have to discipline you.

– You can seek to be liked or you can gain other people’s trust.

-Before you send an email, look at it again. Is it upbeat? Does it sound mean?

– A good motivator/leader uses the problem, failure or past as a teaching point to better the future, not a beating posts to put someone down.

– A leader leads and a boss drives.

– Whatever you praise will be repeated, completed and focused in on.

– You get what you reward. Dedicate five or ten minutes every day to find a way to reward others — call, talk, note, email, etc.

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