Finish What you Start

A long while back I read this stat and although I don’t know that the numbers are accurate, I do think it is pretty interesting:

100 young people walk an isle at mission conference, only 6 go to Bible college, 4 graduate and go to the field, and only one goes back for the second term!

Wow! Think about that, only a few really finish what they start. The truth is that we can apply this to any area of life… very few people finish what they start. When I was in Argentina, there were crazy amounts of people that would enter in the local university as lawyers (or accountants, medical, etc.) and the second year the number would be less than half, third year would be fewer and those that graduated many times were just a handful of those who started. Probably all of us could mention examples of how people quit and don’t follow through, but the sad thing is that this same mindset is happening in the ministry just as much as it is in the secular world. We must enter this subject taking the wise counsel given to us by God in I Corinthians 10:12 – “let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall”. We should be very careful before looking at other situations with a judgmental attitude, but we can be wise and try to learn some things, we can try to strive with all our might to finish what we start. Remember that serving God will almost guarantee the devil’s attacks, so we might want to set our hearts and minds on finishing what we start. Here are a few ideas that may help all of us to continue on and not quit. Continue reading “Finish What you Start”

Arriving to the Finish Line as a Winner

A deep desire in my personal life is probably one that you have as well, to arrive to the end of life faithfully serving the Lord. Too many people start good but do not finish well. I pray I will not only be faithful now in life, but all the way through until the very end. I made a list of 10 things that I need to keep in check in order to arrive at the finish line as a winner. Continue reading “Arriving to the Finish Line as a Winner”